Page 123 of Sinful Hearts
She grins. “I mean,I ama trust fund mob-princess brat.”
I chuckle.
“But I’ve accepted that. Melik is all bent out of shape about this deal. But, please…” she rolls her eyes. “I mean, he can’t unclog a toilet without calling for help. There’s nochancehe could lead our father’s empire. He’s just power hungry. That’s why he’s pissed.”
I frown. “I was under the impression both of you were upset about the sale.”
She snorts. “Me? No. No, Hades, I just want the cash, not power, not an empire. I just want to spend the rest of my life on a beach somewhere, where women who look like Gal Gadot dressed as Wonder Woman reapply my sunblock and keep my wine glass topped up.”
She grins as heat creeps into her face.
“That was my awkward way of telling you I’ve realized I’m gay, by the way. Something my father refuses to acknowledge, hence you being my date for tomorrow.”
“Yeah, getting rubdowns from Wonder Woman is kind of a giveaway.”
She laughs, still a little embarrassed. I smile curiously.
“I didn’t actually know that about you.”
“No, you wouldn’t. I’m fairly private about it.”
“So why tell me?”
She shrugs. “Because you told me something I’m guessing you don’t tell many people. It seemed fair.”
Today is one hundred percent not going as I expected it would. And I’m very okay with that.
“I don’t suppose I can sweeten the pot at all to get you to help me push this deal through?”
“You don’t have to sweeten anything. I’m already pushing for it. And my dad—”
She breaks. And suddenly, she starts to cry.
“Hey, I’ve got you.”
I wrap a platonic arm around Vanya’s shoulders, giving her support as she sniffs back the tears and dabs at her face.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know where that came from. I… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I frown. “Are you okay?”
“I…” she looks down. “No, actually.” She chokes out another sob as she raises red, puffy eyes to mine. “He’s got cancer, Hades. My dad, I mean. He just found out recently that it’s terminal.”
I wince. “Jesus. I’m so fucking sorry, Vanya.”
“Thanks,” she sniffs. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. But…that’s mainly why he’s doing all this. He doesn’t have a lot of time, Hades. I don’t want the empire, and Melik would be a disaster if he got it. So that’s why Dad’s burying the past between our families and making this deal.”
Christ. I kind of feel a little guilty now, knowing how much one of the properties we’re about to purchase from Serj is actually going to be worth someday. But it is what it is. Vanya and her brother will get a massive payout. And he’ll be dead anyway.
Vanya’s face twists as she looks up at me. “I shouldn’t have said that. Please—”
“I’m not going to use your dad being sick as a negotiating tactic, Vanya,” I growl quietly.
Her lips twist. “The Russians would.”
“Well, I won’t. And neither will my brother.”