Page 135 of Sinful Hearts
Why not sitting in, say, in the living room? Because he’s not wearingpants,seeing as I threw up all over them an hour and a half ago. And Hades sans pants isnotsomething I’m exposing the fifteen-year-old who also lives in this apartment to.
I mean, he’s not naked. But he might as well be. Currently, he’s wearing black boxer briefs and an old, super-oversized t-shirt of mine. On him, though, the fucking thing looks like it was painted on. It would be comical if it wasn’t so outrageously sexy.
“Like a steaming pile of hot garbage,” I mumble. “But better.”
And a lot more sober.
Which is unfortunate. Because if I was drunk right now it would be infinitely easier to face him, after throwing up in his lap. Not to mention the verbal diarrhea before that, not to mention whatever horrific things I blurted at that woman he was there with.
My brow furrows as I look at the floor.
“Hades, I—”
“Don’t what?”
“You were about to apologize. Don’t.”
My throat bobs as my eyes lift to his. “It’s pretty embarrassing.”
“Don’t sweat it. It could have been worse.”
My mouth twists. “Exactlyhowcould throwing up on you have been worse?”
He smirks. “You could have had my cock in your mouth when your fifteen thousand glasses of champagne came back up.”
I blush fiercely. “I…yeah. Well, thank you for not letting me make a fool of myself while drunk.”
“Oh, you did a solid enough job of that all by yourself.”
I groan. “I mean the way I was acting in the car. Not all guys would have stopped me from…yeah.”
“I’m not most guys.”
“No shit.”
I blush as the acknowledgement pops out of me, my face heating as I turn away.
“I have to apologize to that woman you were with for saying all of those horrible things to her.”
He shrugs. “She’ll get over it. We’ve all been there.”
“Yeah, well, that was…” I shake my head. “Pretty bad. I was way,wayout of line, and I don’t know how—”
“If you seeing me with her made you feel even afractionof how I’d feel seeing you with another man, you don’t have to explain shit to me,” he hisses quietly. “But to clarify, Vanya Mirzoyan and I are only friends. And barely that.”
I shake my head. “That’s none of my—”
“Yes, it is.”
My eyes snap to his. “No, it’snot. Who you choose to—”
“I’m not interested in screwing around with anyone else, Elsa.”
My face heats, my teeth clamping down on my bottom lip.
“Oh.” I clear my throat. “Have you…I mean, since we’ve been…” I whirl away to walk over to the window, unable to meet his eyes. “Wow, okay, please forgetanyof that just came out of my—”