Page 146 of Sinful Hearts
She smirks, arching a brow. “Really.”
“Just work stuff.”
“It’s amusing to me how you still think I’m six years old.”
I roll my eyes. “Please. I don’t think you’re six.”
“Oh, just not old enough to understand that you have a boyfriend? Or the concept of sexting?”
My mouth flies open. “What the hell doyouknow about the concept of sexting?!”
“I know itexists, El. I didn’t say Ididit. Jeez.”
“Well—good. Keep it that way.”
She snickers. “Your generation and older still doesn’t seem to get that the internet is forever. My generation has zero interest in it. Like, sending people pics of your booty is insane.”
“Correct. Completely insane. Which is why I amnotsexting anyone.”
“Just Hades.”
My face burns hotly. “I amnot. And he isnotmy boyfriend.”
She frowns in an exaggeratedly thoughtful way, stroking her chin. “So…what you’re telling me, as my sister, guardian, and role model, is that the man who you’ve screwed three different times in our apartment is just, like, some random guy? So I should just find ‘some random guy’ myself, and not worry about sex having meaning or an emotional component? Good to know, thank you.”
I give her a look as she grins at me.
“You done yet?”
Her teasing grin widens. “For now.”
Yes, Hades has been over twice more since the night of the gala a week and a half ago. Yes, he’s slept over both times. And yes, we’ve done our best to be quiet in our…activities, including but not limited to, Hades muffling my moans with his hand, his mouth, my panties, and his cock.
But no, his visits have not gone unnoticed by my sister.
I sigh as the doors slide open and we get off the elevator onto our floor.
“What I as an adult choose to do consensually with another consenting adult is my own business, Nora.”
“So, he’s not your boyfriend.”
I grit my teeth. “I don’t know. No. Maybe.” I glance at her. “It’s complicated.”
“Are you exclusive?”
I answered that onewaytoo quickly, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the world’s sharpest fifteen-year-old.
“Do you like him?”
I sigh. “Yes, Nora. I like him.”
“So, let’s review. You like him, you bang him—”