Page 159 of Sinful Hearts
He sighs, leaning close and kissing me softly. “I think I’m fucking sick of pretending you’re not the first person I want to talk to in the morning and the last person I want to see before I go to sleep.”
Well…fuck. Way to knock a girl’s legs out…
I’m grinning like an idiot when he kisses me again.
“Come tomorrow. That’s not a request, by the way.”
I giggle. “Then how can I say no?”
“You can’t. You’re coming. And right now…”
I whimper as he sinks under the covers and spreads my legs.
“Right now, you’re coming on my tongue.”
My face splits into a grin when I answer the phone, the sound of Elsa’s voice making my very skin tingle like it always does these days.
What the hell has this girl done to me?
Thing is, I no longer scowl in confusion or turmoil when I consider that question.
I just fuckin’ smile.
“Hey yourself,” I grin into the phone.
“So, I’m afraid I’m running ateensybit late in terms of the soft opening tonight,” she sighs. “I’m just finishing up a deposition in Brooklyn. But quick question, is that blue dress of mine at your place?”
It’s almost surreal. I’m actually having the “whose house is that piece of clothing at” conversation with a woman for the first time in my life. And I fuckinglovethat I’m having it with her.
Yes, her dress is at my place—still there from the night last week where she rode my cock on the kitchen floor before I fucked her bent over the counter.
“It is, yeah.”
“Oh, wait, yes, I think I wore it the night…” she trails off, and I can practically feel the heat of her blush through the phone.
“Go on.”
She laughs quietly. “I think we both know which night that was,” she murmurs.
“Oh, we totally do, I just want to hear you say it out loud.”
“I’m standing in the hallway of the Brooklyn Court House.”
“And your point is?”
She giggles. “I’ll talk dirty to youlater.”
I grin. “I’ll hold you to that, counselor.”
“Deal. Do you think I could stop by your place and grab it before I head home to change? I think I’d like to wear it tonight.”
“Here’s a better idea: just get ready at my place and I’ll come give you a ride to the soft opening after I finish helping the girls with the last of the setup here.”