Page 187 of Sinful Hearts
The thundering sound of the train roars closer. The pebbles over the rail struts begin to bounce and jump.
He’s never putting his disgusting hands on my sister.
Not. Ever.
My eyes drop to Hugo’s belt. It’s buckled again from when he was trying to yank it off before, but it’s loose.
I love you, Nora.
“And when you’re dead,” Hugo grins wolfishly, his arms tensing as if readying to throw me into the path of the train. “I willfeaston your baby sister’s screams. But you won’t be able to hear them. Because you, my dear Elsa…well, you’ll be dead.”
My hand juts out, slipping through the loose belt around his waist until the crook of my elbow is tight against it. Hugo’s eyes go wide.
“So will you.”
I throw myself backward across the tracks, Hugo slamming down on top of me.
His eyes bulge as the deafening scream of a train whistle rips over us; once, twice, over and over, as the very metal of the rails underneath us begins to shake like the world itself is breaking apart.
Hugo’s screaming and roaring, trying to break free. But I lock my legs around his waist, and my eyes stab into his.
“You willnevertouch my sister!”
The screech of the approaching metal wheels on metal rails is deafening.
I close my eyes.
I think of Nora.
Then I think of Hades.
I love you—
I jolt as the train slams into me.
Except, I’m not underneath it. I’m rolling sideways off the tracks, a firm body holding me, powerful arms gripping me tight as I roll to a stop.
…And look up into piercing, ice-blue eyes.
The train whistle rips through the air. The sound of wrenching metal splits my ears. My head whips to the side just as Hugo lurches to his feet, feverish mania in his eyes.
I scream, unable to look away as the Metro North commuter train turns Hugo into a crimson mist.
Hades covers my face with his arm, turning me aside and holding me tight as I cling to him.
“You’re okay,” he chokes into my ear, kissing my face as I sob against him. “You’re okay.”
“—is in my car. She’ssafe, Elsa.”