Page 53 of Sinful Hearts
He lifts a shoulder. “Andyou’re raising a fifteen-year-old.”
“Barely,” I mutter.
“I think it’s more than barely.”
I swallow. “So, what don’t you get?”
When he doesn’t answer, I turn around. Immediately, my jaw drops as I see him rolling a joint on my patio table with the pot he just confiscated from Nora.
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you doing?”
Hades licks the edge of the paper, seals it up, and then sticks the joint between his lips. He flicks the Yankees branded lighter that was in the baggie, torches the end, and inhales deeply.
“Um,no? Get rid of that right now!”
He grins, exhaling out of the corner of his mouth with the joint hanging from his lips. It has the extremely unfair effect of making him look outrageously hot, like a smoldering young Marlon Brando.
“You do know it’s legal in New York now, right? Also its fuckingweed, not heroin.” He inhales again, his brow furrowing as he plucks the joint from his lips with a sour look. “Ugh, shitty weed, though.”
“Great. Can you get rid of it now?”
“Depends. Can you tell me why the fuck you were at Club Venom?”
I’m so unprepared for the question that I actually flinch at his words. My face heats, my throat tightening as I swallow nervously and try to stop myself from shaking.
“Why wereyouat Cub Venom?” I throw back in an obvious attempt at deflection.
“The drink specials and nachos, obviously,” he drawls sarcastically, stamping out the joint under his heel. “Why do youthinkI was there?”
My lips curl into a sneer. “So, I was just a warm, available hole for you?”
“Don’t,” he growls, the playful, teasing smile gone from his lips in a heartbeat as his icy blue eyes turn to slits. “You’rethe one that kissedme,remember?You’rethe one that threw herself atme.”
“I don’t remember you protesting too hard.”
“Has the lawyer in the room ever heard of sexual assault by deception?”
I stare at him. “Are you fucking serious?”
“You knew exactly who I was.”
“That’s notdeception, Hades,” I blurt. “And I don’t seem to remember you asking memyname.”
“Yeah, funny how that doesn’t happen atanonymous sex clubs,” he snarls. “You know, the kind where you wear fuckingmasks?!”
I swallow, my hand tightening around the rocks glass in my hand. Hades gets up from the patio table, making my core clench as he looms over me with those piercing blue eyes stabbing into my very soul.
“I want to knowwhy.”
“Whywhat, Hades?Youcan go fuck a stranger no problem at a place like Venom because you’re a man? But I’m the bad guy when I do it, because I have a fucking vagina?”
“Trying to bring up gender stereotypes is a nice lawyer play,kitten,” he grunts, making me shiver when he uses that name. “But I’m not a jury of soccer moms, so you can save it. What I want to know is, whyme?”
I swallow, flushing as heat pools in my core.