Page 62 of Sinful Hearts
“Yes, well, I’m not in the habit of lying to my boss.”
“It’s not a lie. I’m working on it.”
He swivels to leer at me, his eyes brazenly and nauseatingly sliding over my body in that way he does, making me cringe.
“Yes. Well. Work harder.”
He turns back, strolling casually over to the couches and bending over the one faced away from us. He chuckles to himself and starts to poke around at something, I can’t see what.
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you—”
Horribly, it dawns on me that it’s the gym bag I dropped there on my way in today—just as Pascha stands upright and turns toward me.
Grinning lecherously.
Holding one of my fuckinggym socksin his hand.
“Put that down, you fucking cree—”
He lifts it to his face and sniffs deeply, making my skin crawl as the bile rises in my throat.
“Put thatdown!”
I bolt toward him, yanking the sock from his hand, grabbing my gym bag, and then storming back across the room to throw them both under my desk. When I whirl back to him I gasp. He’s standing right behind me.
Looming over me. Sneering at me. Undressing me with his eyes.
“Get out of my office,” I hiss quietly.
Pascha’s grin just widens.
“Don’t play innocent and bashful with me, little girl,” he chuckles darkly. “We both know you’re neither of those things when it comes to men now.”
My stomach heaves. Ihatethat this man knows about, and probablythinks about, my sex life.
“Get. Out,” I spit at him.
His smile threatens to split his face. “I’m curious…”
“I don’t give a shit—”
“Which position were you in when you first got fucked like a ten-dollar whore by a stranger?”
Nausea and anger explode through my system.
“Why do you want to know, Pascha?” I sneer at him. “Jealous?”
I regret saying it the second it leaves my lips. Because the way his jaw clenches tells me I’m righter than I ever wanted to be about that.
And it terrifies me.
Heterrifies me. And the fact that I’m alone with him right now sends my anxiety skyrocketing.
“Or…” he leers. “Perhaps it never happened? Perhaps youliedabout whoring yourself out to another man in order to get out of the arrangement your father made with you?”