Page 84 of Sinful Hearts
As if he’s even capable of either of those.
“Just fucking.”
I blush, chewing on my lip.
“Just fucking,” I breathe.
“Deal,” he growls.
I swallow as I reach over, taking his hand and shaking it like we’re closing some house purchase or something, ignoring the shiver of heat that slides up my spine at his touch.
I want to kiss him. But then I wonder if that crosses the line we’vejustdrawn from “just fucking” to “feelings”, even though there’s been a whole lot of kissing involved in our “just fucking” thus far.
So in the end, I don’t. We just lock eyes, me shivering and shuddering as the soreness and the aching need in my body throbs incessantly.
“So…” My throat bobs up and down. “See you soon.”
He nods.
Upstairs, I manage to sneak inside and get to my room so I can shower the sins of my night away. I slip into a tank top and shorts, then think better of it and change into longer pajamas that cover the marks of my aggressive and savage sexual encounter with the god of the underworld.
NowI can face Nora.
Sort of.
We end up chatting for a bit and then watching the newestTed Lassoepisode before we both head to bed.
Damn. Should have kissed him.
It’s the last thought I have before I sink into sleep.
“I heard a juicy rumor about you.”
I stiffen at the sound of Fumi’s voice behind me in the doorway to the staff lounge.
A juicy rumor?
Dread knots in my stomach, and my face pales. Because when it comes to “juicy rumors” and me, the only place my mind goes isHades.
She knows. How does she know?
Slowly, I turn from the espresso machine to face her.
“Oh?” I croak, heat flooding into my face.
Fumi grins widely, arching a brow.
“Yeah, that you banged out the entire Klein briefing in one day. But now I’m really curious as to what sordid little secret you justthoughtI was talking about.”
I squirm as my face throbs.
“Nothing. You just caught me off guard, is all.”