Page 99 of Sinful Hearts
I nod slowly. “They sure are.”
“We need to find out how the Russians knew about this deal, Hades. And we need to find out yesterday.”
You’d think by now,I’d have become immune to Hades’…filthiness. His ability to rattle me by saying things that should make me livid and disgusted, instead of warm and wet.
Immune, or at least slightly numb. Desensitized. But apparently, I’m not. Case in point: the way I’ve been staring at my phone screen for the last five solid minutes, re-reading over and over the last text he sent me.
does your ass miss my tongue?
I’ve literally re-read it close to a hundred times. And it hasnotlost its edge yet.
I still tingle every time I read it. Still feel my pulse quicken, still squeeze my thighs together at my desk.
Still squirmy, achy, and needy. I mean, what the fuck, self?
I’ve been like this since yesterday, when he…yeah.
Pinned me to my office door, yanked my panties down, and tongued my clit. Then my ass, until I came like a wrecking ball. And as much as I still want to feel—I don’t know, embarrassed?—for something so insanely dirty feeling so good, I can’t.
All I feel when I think about it is the need for more, like an addiction.
And that’s Hades in a nutshell: something dirty that feels so good.
My phone buzzes on the desk in front of me.
Is this you ignoring me, or are you too busy playing with your pussy while thinking about me to answer your texts
My face throbs with heat. I mean, theaudacityof the man.
You’re the one texting me, Hades.
I bite my lip, grinning as my thumbs tap over the screen.
Like a stood-up prom date, I might add.
did you even go to prom? or were you too busy organizing your receipts and ironing your underwear
You’re the one currently in possession of a pair of my underwear, you tell me: do they look and feel ironed?
No, but they smell like your pussy, and it’s making me hungry