Page 16 of One Hundred Desires
Cannon laughed. “That’s the first smart thing I’ve seen you do.”
Jackson poured the beers and followed Cannon down the hallway. Doc took a sip and out of the corner of his eye, Red saw him lap the foam from his mustache.
“Tell me, son. What’s on your mind?”
He had lots on his mind. Like the cost of a new security system and why a woman he wouldn’t have given a second glance two weeks ago now piqued his interest, but those were problems for another day.
“Do you think some people are just destined to spend their lives alone?”
Doc Parker leaned back in his chair and stroked his bushy white mustache. “Well now, that’s a mighty big question. But let me ask you this. Have you ever seen a rose bush that didn’t bloom?”
“Only if it was dead.”
“You ain’t dead, son. So, I ask again with more clarity. Have you ever seen a live rose bush that didn’t have the potential to bloom?”
Red shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.”
“That’s right,” Doc Parker said with a twinkle in his eye. “Even a scraggly rose bush can bloom into something beautiful if it’s given enough care and attention. The same goes for people, son. We all have the potential for love and happiness, but sometimes we need help getting there.”
Red nodded thoughtfully. “I guess you’re right. But sometimes it feels like I’m just not meant to find love.”
“Rumor has it that you get a lot of love.”
He leaned in close enough to smell Doc’s Old Spice aftershave. “That isn’t love.” It brought him right back to his childhood, watching his father slap it on his face right before he left for the bar. Those nights, which were many, Red spent alone eating Hungry Man TV dinners and watching reruns if they had power.
“I’m glad you recognize that.” Doc Parker chuckled. “Son, love ain’t something you find. It’s something you create. You gotta put in the work, tend to it like a garden, and let it grow. And sometimes, you gotta be willing to take a risk and put yourself out there, even if it means getting hurt.” He turned to face him and lifted a single winged brow. “You put yourself out there a lot, but you’re not really offering anything of value.” Doc poked him in the chest right at his heart.
Red nodded again, feeling a sense of understanding. “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate your wisdom.”
Doc Parker emptied his beer, stood up, and patted him on the shoulder. “Anytime, son. And remember, the world has plenty of weeds and thorns to make us think twice about our roses. If a determined gardener can’t be beaten by those pesky thorns, why should you settle for anything less than your perfect bloom?” He glanced at his watch. “Lovey is waiting for me.”
“Is she the rose or the thorn?”
He looked at his watch. “Depends on if I’m late for Dancing With the Stars.”
As Red watched Doc Parker disappear, a thought hung in the air. If a gardener can take care of their garden and never give up on their roses, why couldn’t he do the same with love?
As Viv parked her car in front of Val’s cabin, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape. She noticed movement down by the water and made her way towards the edge of the lake.
As she got closer, she realized that it was a family of elk, drinking water from the lake’s edge. She watched in awe as the majestic animals moved about, the buck’s antlers glinting in the fading sunlight. He caught her movement and stilled as if waiting to see if she was friend or foe. The largest female herded the littler ones together and they both stood guard.
As she watched the elk, she realized how protected she’d felt as a kid. No wonder she went into the protection business. There was great satisfaction in knowing that she could provide comfort for someone else. She thought of Val and Cameron and how they would forever protect Natalie. Val was the buck and Cameron the protective doe. Both of them were formidable.
Shaking off her musings, Viv made her way up to the cabin and walked inside, finding Val standing in the hallway, scowling.
“Hello to you too. What’s wrong?” Viv asked, sensing his irritation.
“I told you not to work with Red and you did it anyway.” Val stepped aside to let her in. “He’s bad news, Viv. I don’t want you getting involved with him in any way.”
Viv rolled her eyes. “He is a client like any other. He needs my help. I’m a private protection and security expert. Remember? That’s what Vortex does. And we’re damn good at it. His security system is a mess, and he’s willing to pay top dollar for me to fix it. Besides, it’s not like I’m getting involved with him personally. It’s a job that puts money into the Vortex coffers. That is one of the main responsibilities I have as CEO. I don’t know what you’re afraid of, Val. You got the girl and then some. You won. Red is no threat to you or your family. I don’t have a beef with him. He’s a jerk, but that doesn’t mean he should wake up to stalkers grabbing his crotch in the middle of the night. You know as well as I do how these threats can escalate.”
Val huffed while Cameron came out of the kitchen, holding the baby. “Hey, girl! How was your day?”
“It was good,” Viv replied, returning Cameron’s smile. “I spent the afternoon with Red, helping him with his security system.”
Cameron’s smile faltered slightly. “How is Red?”