Page 36 of One Hundred Desires
Viv pursed her lips, trying to keep a straight face. “I don’t know. Why?”
“Because they make up everything!” Red delivered the punchline with a flourish, but Viv managed to suppress her laughter, offering him a polite smile instead.
“Nice try, but not quite there. My turn,” she said. “Why did the scarecrow win an award?”
Red scratched his chin, genuinely curious. “I don’t know. Why?”
“Because he was outstanding in his field!” Viv said triumphantly. Red couldn’t help but chuckle at the corny joke.
“One point to you, Viv,” Red conceded, before launching into his second joke. “Okay, why did the bicycle fall over?”
Viv shook her head, not knowing the answer. “Why?”
“Because it was two-tired!” Red waited for her reaction, but once again, Viv managed to keep her laughter in check, smirking instead.
“Alright, my turn again,” Viv said, feeling confident. “Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?”
Red furrowed his brow, puzzled. “I don’t know, why?”
Viv grinned, delivering the punchline. “It was two-tired!” With a grin, she went “Ba-dum-tss!” as she slapped her thigh, adding a comical flair to the moment.
Red burst into laughter, partly because of the joke, partly because of her antics, but mostly because he couldn’t believe she had used his punchline. “Not fair, you stole my joke!” he exclaimed, but he couldn’t help smiling.
Viv laughed along with him, basking in her victory. “I guess great minds think alike. Better luck next time.”
Their laughter filled the room as they continued to share jokes and stories, the friendly competition bringing them closer together. As they worked, Viv took the opportunity to discuss a safety plan with Red. They paused their work, sitting down on the living room floor amidst the tools and equipment.
“Red, it’s important that we have a plan in case there’s ever a threat,” Viv said seriously, her demeanor shifting from playful to focused. “I need you to understand exactly what to do and where to go if something unexpected happens.”
Red nodded, his own expression sobering as he realized the gravity of the situation. “Alright, what do you want me to do?”
Viv led him through the house, pointing out various hiding spots and escape routes. She showed him a tiny closet underneath the stairs that she’d equipped with a secure lock.
“If there’s ever a serious threat, I want you to hide in here,” she instructed. “It’s not ideal, but it’s the most secure place in the house. When you’re inside, wait for my signal or the authorities to arrive before you exit. We also need a code word, something that will alert you to go into hiding without raising any suspicion.”
“How about ‘pineapple?’” Red suggested with a half-smile, trying to lighten the mood.
Viv chuckled. “Alright, ‘pineapple’ it is. But remember, this is serious. If you hear that word, you need to act immediately.”
Red nodded, the weight of her words sinking in. “I understand. I’ll be ready. Do you really think someone will try to hurt me?” He could tell by the look on Viv’s face, the answer was yes. He couldn’t help but be impressed as she talked about ongoing security assessments, surveillance, threat mitigation, routines, and other safety protocols, along with the countless security system enhancements—all to keep him from harm.
With their safety plan established, they continued working, their bond growing stronger as they shared in the labor.
That evening, after they had finished their work, they sat on the porch together, sharing a meal and talking about everything and nothing. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and Red felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the setting sun. As the sun fell behind the mountain, Red couldn’t help but steal glances at Viv. He wondered if she felt the same way he did, if she also sensed the electricity that seemed to crackle between them. He wanted to reach out, to brush a strand of hair from her face or to feel the warmth of her hand in his, but he held back, unwilling to jeopardize the bond they were forming.
The sky darkened and the first stars appeared. Red dared to hope that their relationship was slowly, but surely, moving in the right direction. He knew that they had to take their time, to let the slow burn of their desire kindle and grow, but he couldn’t help but feel excited about what the future might hold.
As they sat there, side by side, Red couldn’t shake the feeling that Viv was more than just a bodyguard or a friend. She was becoming an integral part of his life. Someone he could trust and rely on. He’d never really had that type of relationship with anyone. She knew he was vulnerable and expected that of him. He’d never allowed that to happen in any relationship and there was something freeing and healing about having her in charge, at least for now. He’d never felt safer.
In the growing darkness, Lucky jumped onto the porch, a stray pinecone clutched in his jaws. With a playful woof, he dropped the pinecone at Red’s feet, his tail wagging enthusiastically.
“Well, look at that,” Red said, amusement in his voice. “I think someone wants to play.”
Red chuckled, as he reached down to grab the pinecone and tossed it for Lucky, who bounded after it with unbridled joy. The simple act of playing fetch with the dog created a heartwarming scene, and he couldn’t help but notice Viv’s smile as she watched them.
Later that evening, after they had finished the last of their work for the day, Red decided to prepare a delicious dessert for both of them as a token of appreciation. He made a decadent chocolate lava cake, the enticing aroma wafting through the house. Viv couldn’t help but marvel at Red’s culinary skills as they sat down to enjoy it.
“This is amazing,” she said, taking a bite. “I didn’t know you could cook like this!”