Page 43 of One Hundred Desires
Viv stood on the porch of Red’s home ready to hand off her charge, her heart churning with the conflicting emotions that had been simmering throughout the day. Her green eyes flickered between the two men before her, both tall and alluring but radiating entirely different energies. Red, with his tousled brown hair and searing blue eyes, carried an air of “take me as I am” confidence that made him so incredibly sexy. Every woman wants to feel that way about themselves but without a glass or two of wine,mostspend more time overthinking their flaws. Red knew just how to free them of those inhibitions by accepting himself and therefore any woman just as she was. It was natural, not contrived. For his faults he did not lack empathy or passion, and he was surprisingly easy-going. It was a very desirable combination. What’s sexier than being appreciated just for who you are? Jackson, in contrast, stood steadfast, planted, and dependable with his military haircut and sharp laser-focused eyes scanning the yard’s perimeter. He was strong and oozed character. Viv supposed that could be sexy too, but she at least didn’t have to worry about any would-be groupie attacker seducing him – or trying to. While Red came off as all fun, Jackson was all business, like a leather briefcase with a combination lock. You’d have to really want to know what was inside to pick the lock. She knew he’d be a good fit for Red’s security detail. Even without extensive personal security training, he was a natural at serving and protecting, and he had all the right skills and instincts.
“All right, Jackson, I’ll be back at five in the morning,” Viv said. She glanced at Red, searching for any emotion in his eyes, but he remained unreadable. “Take good care of our charge.”
“You got it, Viv,” Jackson replied with a nod, clapping a strong hand on her shoulder. “Have a good evening.”
Viv hesitated, her gaze lingering on Red for just a moment longer. She could feel the warmth of his presence, his energy radiating like warm sand on a beach in the cool evening air. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, and forced a smile onto her lips. “You too, Jackson.”
With that, she turned away from the house, leaving Red and Jackson behind as she climbed into the Yukon and headed toward her brother’s place.
The sky was a canvas of deep purples and blues, with a million stars filling the sky. It always fascinated her how the sky was the same in different locations, but the view was changed. In the city, you rarely see a sky like the one above because the noise of other lights dims its beauty. She considered that momentarily and wondered if that was the same for people like Cameron and Red. Their stars were so bright, but the noise of fame and fans often changed how they were perceived. Red had this awful reputation as being a womanizer, and she didn’t doubt that he lived up to it, but was that who he truly was when you stripped it all away? She was inclined to believe that Cameron was right—that Red simply didn’t know how to love and hadn’t afforded himself time to learn. The most enlightened and loving men like Val still behave as though relationships are self-sustaining, not realizing even rock gardens get weeds. How could someone like Red know better? Red wasn’t only who people said he was; he was more. At least he seemed like he wanted to be more. She had to believe that if Cameron had fallen in love with him, Red had finer qualities than being good in bed. And she wouldn’t consider finding out how good he could make her body feel until she had peeled back the layers of the man to see who he truly was. The image people project on you and the messages that come with it too often shape who someone becomes, and Red was pigeon-holed into fulfilling a rock and roll image with lots of poor messages. All she had to do was listen to the echo of her brother’s voice, who told her that Red was no good, a seducer of women and a cheat. He may have been all those things, but her biggest question was, is he more? And the answer she heard in her heart was yes.
Twenty minutes later, she pulled into the driveway of her brother’s cabin and slid out of the SUV. She had stopped noticing how big the car was for her. After inhaling the fresh scent of pine and the earthy aroma of damp soil, she knew she couldn’t put off this conversation with Val any longer. As much as she wanted to avoid the confrontation, she also yearned for a resolution. At thirty-two, she was more than capable of making her own decisions and intended to make that clear to Val.
She noticed the warm, golden glow of light streaming from the windows. The cozy, log-built structure stood in stark contrast to, but in harmony with, the wild, untamed forest that surrounded it, offering a sense of security and familiarity. The sound of soft laughter drifted from within, and her heart ached at the thought of her niece, Natalie, and how much she longed for a family of her own—a place where she belonged.
Steeling herself for the conversation ahead, Viv rapped her knuckles against the wooden door. Almost immediately, it swung open, revealing her brother, Val, his rugged features softening as he took in her tired expression.
“Hey, Viv.” He moved aside to let her enter. “How’s everything going with the protection detail?”
“All’s well,” she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil brewing inside her. “But we need to talk.”
He frowned, concern etching lines into his brow. The interior was warm and inviting, the walls adorned with family photos and mementos that spoke of a life well-lived. Viv’s gaze fell on a picture of her brother and Cameron, their arms wrapped around each other as they stood in front of their cabin, the epitome of love and happiness. She swallowed the lump in her throat, her chest tightening with a mixture of envy and longing.
“What’s going on, Viv?” he asked, his voice gentle as he closed the door behind her.
“Where’s Cameron?”
He nodded toward the hallway. “Changing the baby.”
Viv sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair as she paced the length of the living room. “It’s about Red. I know you disapprove of him, but I need you to understand that I can make my own decisions. I’m thirty-two, not a little girl anymore. And I think you need to consider how much of what you feel about Red is something you’re projecting given his history with someone you love so deeply.”
His eyes widened, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Viv, I just worry about you. You know his reputation.”
Before Viv could respond, Cameron appeared in the doorway with a knowing smile on her face. “Sounds like you two are having the same conversation we had earlier,” she said, her gaze alternating eagerly between them. “Val, your sister is a grown woman. She’s more than capable of making her own choices and clearly capable of running the company.”
Viv couldn’t help but smile at her sister-in-law’s support, feeling a surge of gratitude for her understanding. “Thank you, Cam.”
Val sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. “I know, I know. I just... I can’t help but worry about you. You’re my sister, and I want the best for you. And as for the company, I know you can run it, but I never expected you’d physically take my place on the team. I expected you to continue to do the security protocol and cyber stuff. I didn’t leave to put you in danger. I left to take me out of it.”
Viv walked over to her brother and placed a hand on his arm. “I’ve always been in danger. Each time we step out the door, it’s dangerous. I don’t have to be a bodyguard to be exposed to danger. It’s on every road and in every building. Hell, I probably have a likelier chance of getting eaten by a bear in your backyard than I do getting hurt by stalker Sarah. Whether it’s my personal or professional life, I need you to trust me to make my own decisions, even if you disagree with them.”
As if on cue, Natalie grunted and turned to face Viv. “Looks like it’s Auntie Viv’s time.” She reached out, and Cameron carefully placed the baby in her arms.
As she sat and stared down at her niece, she wondered if she would ever have a family, a home that radiated the same love and belonging as her brother’s did. She knew that continuing her current path as a bodyguard might not afford her that opportunity, and it was a realization that both frightened and saddened her. Wasn’t this professional freedom what she always wanted?
Val studied her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers, before finally nodding in agreement. “All right, Viv. You’re right about it all. I’ll do my best to back off. Just … be careful, okay?”
With that, the tension in the room dissipated, and the family settled in for a peaceful evening together. Viv cherished the time spent with her brother, Cameron, and Natalie, knowing that these moments were a balm for her soul. And as she held her niece in her arms, she made a silent promise to herself. She would find a way to have it all—a career she loved, a family she adored, and a love that set her heart on fire.
As bedtime approached, Val rose and took Natalie, leaving her alone with Cameron. “Can I ask you something?” Viv took a seat across from her sister-in-law.
“Of course, Viv,” Cameron replied, her warm smile inviting Viv to share her thoughts.
“Do you ever regret leaving Hollywood? Giving up your career to have a family?” Her voice cracked slightly with emotion.
Cameron took a moment to consider her response. “You know, when I won that Oscar, I said in my acceptance speech that you could have it all. But you can’t really have it all if you want to enjoy what you’ve got. And at a point, what you want shifts. I have everything I want right here with Val and Natalie. And you as my sister.”
She looked up at Cam and saw eyes filled with conviction and satisfaction.Well, shit. I might be forced to rethink my life plan, Viv thought.