Page 107 of Guardian Angel
Danielle smiled at me. “I am somewhat of an anomaly among my kind. I can heal anything with a soul, not just humans.”
I couldn’t see any visible changes, but Nate kept twitching beneath Danielle’s hands and his breathing was getting more labored by the second. I stroked his blond hair, trying not to panic. I trusted Danielle, but it was killing me to see him obviously suffering.
When she finally pulled back, Nate didn’t move.
“Please tell me it didn’t feel like that when you healed Sierra,” he groaned.
Danielle shook her head with a slight smile. “Not at all. Knitting skin back together is nothing like growing new wings.” She stood and headed for the door. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Wonderful,” Nate muttered sarcastically.
“Thank you,” I said.
“There will be other angels sent to visit you.” Her eyes met mine. “Don’t be afraid to talk to them or to send your mate away if you don’t want him present for those conversations. You are entitled to your privacy.”
She turned away without another word and was gone.
I frowned at the closed door she’d disappeared through. What did the angels need to tell me that I wouldn’t want Nate to hear?
My question was answered a few days later when a different female angel showed up at the apartment. She looked more like the traditional idea of angels. She wore an ankle-length slip dress that was so white it was almost blue. Her light blond hair fell just past her shoulders, and she had feathered white wings. The wings were great to clue me in on who she was, but I was thankful she tucked them away. I really didn’t want to deal with the questionsthatwould bring up from the neighbors.
“Sierra.” She greeted me without even acknowledging Nate. “I have been sent by the Lord to help you prepare for the journey ahead.”
Well, that didn’t really clear anything up. “What does that mean exactly?”
The angel smiled. “No human has borne a Nephilim in a long time. I’m here to advise you so you know what to expect.”
Oh.Oh. She was here to have the pregnancy, labor, and birth conversation. I’d always kind of assumed I’d have this conversation with my mother, but she didn’t have the insight on birthing a Nephilim that a messenger of God would have.
“Right. Do you like coffee? I know a great place where we can go.”
The angel frowned at me. “You shouldn’t drink coffee in your condition.”
Ugh. I just wanted to get her away from the apartment. I hadn’t had a sip of coffee since learning I was pregnant, and now this angel was going to think I was an irresponsible child. Wonderful.
“Never mind. Come in.” I shot Nate a glare that I knew didn’t scare him. “Don’t follow me, and don’t listen in.”
He obeyed my command not to follow, but I was sure he listened to our conversation and the many other conversations I had with the various angels who visited after that day. They taught me all sorts of things. From what to expect during my pregnancy and after my daughter was born to how to listen to my body and prevent unwanted pregnancy in the future so Nate and I wouldn’t end up creating an entire army of Nephilim.
* * *
The weekend before Thanksgiving,I went out with Kylie after church. I was finally starting to feel like myself again. My life wasn’t ever going to go back to normal, but I was getting used to my new reality. The mix of angelic and human didn’t feel so jarring anymore.
“So what’s the deal with Andy?” I asked as we drove back to the apartment. In the three weeks since everything went down with Dantalion, I’d heard about very little drama in Kylie’s life. And there wasalwaysdrama where Kylie was concerned.
“I haven’t really been talking to him much lately.” She shrugged. “I think it ran its course.”
“Is there someone else?”
“No,” she said too quickly.
I narrowed my eyes at her and waited. Secrets were not Kylie’s forte.
“There isn’t,” she insisted. “I swear to you, Sierra. I’m not seeing anyone else.”
“Is there someone you’renotseeing?” Maybe I wasn’t being fair, but Kylie was one of those people who found any attention and company better than being alone. It was a huge part of why she hadn’t always made the best life choices in the past. I couldn’t picture her ditching Andy without someone else catching her eye.
“I just realized he wasn’t ever going to be the one. Something was missing, you know?”