Page 28 of Guardian Angel
“Fair enough.” I curled my feet underneath me, facing him on the couch. “Was the human-looking demon Saturday night a lord of Hell?”
“Yes.” He still had my book open on his lap, but he kept his eyes on me. “Do you ever use your television, or is it just a very large and ugly decoration?”
I sputtered out a laugh. “I use it… occasionally. Kylie and I had movie night after I unknowingly killed a lord of Hell.” I looked him up and down. “Why are your wings red?”
“I’ve answered this one before. It marks me as being born into the sixth order.”
“But I don’t know what that means.”
He let out a breath. “The sixth order is a warrior race of angels. We were born specifically to fight demons.”
“Is that why—?”
“Uh-uh—it’s my turn to ask a question.” He turned my book over in his hands. “Are all the books you read like this one?”
“Romantic comedy? I read other things, but those are my favorites.”
He nodded as if mulling over my words. “You can ask your question now.”
I narrowed my eyes at him but still wanted answers more than I wanted to give him crap for his attitude. “How did you end up being the one protecting me? Is it because you’re in the sixth order?”
“No, it has nothing to do with that. And I’m not actually in the sixth order anymore. I don’t know why me, and believe me, I asked. I’m a good fighter, but I’m far from the only angel who is.”
“Do you resent me for it?” I whispered.
He didn’t comment on the fact that it wasn’t my turn anymore. “I did at one point, but you’re not so bad.” He glanced up at me. “There are worse people I could be bonded to, Sierra. I didn’t get a choice about taking this job, but if I were given the option to give it to someone else now, I wouldn’t take it.”
Something heavy settled in my chest. Neither of us got any say about this, but somehow we weren’t killing each other. And if I was being totally honest, I was glad he was here. I wasn’t sure what I would have done without him.
“Have you traveled much? And where would you go if you could go anywhere?”
I refrained from pointing out that was technically two questions. “I’ve been to a few pretty awesome places. My family used to vacation every year or two, but we haven’t been anywhere recently. It got hard after I started working at the café and got this place.”
“But if you didn’t have your job or apartment, where would you want to go?”
“Miami,” I answered without hesitation.
“That was more than one question, Nathaniel,” I said sweetly.
He growled. “Fine, ask yours, smart-ass.”
“If the sixth order are warriors, what are the other orders?”
“Couldn’t ask something simple, could you? There are… seven orders. The first are God’s attendants. The second are the palace guard. The third are archangels, like high princes. Regular princes, the fourth order, don’t get to meet with the Father, but they do still rule over the minor angels. The fifth order are miracle workers. The sixth, as you know, are warriors. And the seventh are messengers. Angels of the seventh order are what people usually think of when they hearangel—they have white wings and are the ones most likely to come to Earth.”
“I have so many more questions.”
“Of course you do.” He rolled his eyes. “But it’s my turn. Why Miami?”
“Because I’ve never been? It’s warm and tropical but doesn’t require spending six hours on a plane to get there. And I may have read a book set there that made me want to go.”
“So if you could go anywhere, you want to sit on a beach and pretend you’re on college spring break?”
“You don’t have to make it sound so unoriginal.” I leaned forward, trying to slap his shoulder, but he caught my wrist before I could make contact. I expected him to let go, but he held on.
“When this demon shit is over, we’ll go. I’ve never been to Miami either.”