Page 34 of Guardian Angel
I peered through the lenses, watching Sierra aim her handgun at the target on the other side of the room.
The ear protection didn’t work all that well since my hearing was better than a human’s, but my eardrums were more durable too. This wouldn’t impair my hearing in the future, but it took actual effort to resist the urge to flinch at the sound of every shot.
It was easier when I kept my eyes on Sierra. The world seemed to dim around her. She shone so brightly everything else paled in comparison. I’d never seen her like this, confident and in her element, her eyes lit with elation. She liked being here, loved it even.
I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I couldn’t not get closer to her. I moved until I was standing directly behind her.
She twisted to look back at me. “Do you want a turn?” she shouted to be heard through the earmuffs and sound of guns firing in the other lanes.
I shook my head. I didn’t do guns. There was something fundamentally wrong about a sixth-order angel using a firearm. We weren’t born for that. Sierra, on the other hand… I could believe she was born to do this. She looked so natural with the weapon in her hands, as if it had always been a part of her.
“You sure?” she asked.
“I’m sure. More than happy to enjoy the view.” I barely spared a glance at the target she was riddling with holes. I was too busy staring at her. Heat radiated off her body, beckoning me forward. My hands settled on her hips as I gave in to the temptation I knew I should be resisting, and in a moment of absolute weakness, I leaned forward and inhaled her vanilla scent.
She stiffened under my hands but didn’t pull away from me. She also didn’t look back or acknowledge that I was touching her.
She didn’t know that I was playing with fire. That I wasn’t free to let my attraction to her grow as I pleased. This wasn’t just about what I wanted and what she wanted.
I propped my chin on the top of her head and let my eyes close. It wasn’t worth lying to myself anymore. I wanted Sierra Meyers. I wanted free rein to touch her. I wanted off the living room couch and in her bed. I wanted to know what her lips tasted like… Both sets.
She put her gun down and twisted in my arms, looking up at me with a smile. “Are you sure you don’t want to try?”
“I’m getting the sense that you want me to.”
She shrugged. “I just feel bad for dragging you here with me just so you can stand there watching. It reminds me of going to this lake as a kid. Anytime anyone went into the water, the lifeguard had to come out too. It didn’t seem fair to make the lifeguard come sit in the water so I could sunbathe on the floating dock.”
“Was this lifeguard a man or a woman? Because that severely affects how bad you should have felt for them.”
She swatted my chest. “You are missing the point.”
I chuckled. “No, I’m not. I happen to be fine with this arrangement. Watching you isn’t exactly a hardship for me.”
“Really?” She didn’t look convinced. “Because you’ve spent an awful lot of time complaining about how I’m a job you didn’t ask for.”
“That was before.”
“Before what?”
Good question. When exactly did being her guardian stop being a duty and start feeling more like a pleasure? Maybe it was when she jumped into a fight with demons for me or when she showed me the scar I knew she felt self-conscious about. Or was it before that?
“Before you started mattering to me not because of the job but because you’re you.”
She blinked at me, opened her mouth, closed it again, and then turned back to her target without a word.
I watched her shoot at her paper opponent with deadly precision. If demons could be killed with a gun, she never would have needed me. She could take care of herself just fine. And damn if that didn’t make her even more sexy than I’d found her a few hours ago.
* * *
I layawake in the dark living room, listening to the sounds of Sierra and Kylie breathing in their bedrooms.
I wasn’t sure what the plan was for the morning. Sierra had bailed on church with her family last week, but I didn’t think she’d be doing that again. Which left me with only two options: let her go without me or face meeting her family.
The sound of my new phone vibrating against the coffee table interrupted my internal debate. I reached for the stupid device I’d promised Sierra I’d answer.
Unknown:Thank you for today. Now you have my number in case you need it.
Me:What are you doing tomorrow?