Page 56 of Guardian Angel
Kylie:Sorry. I just spent way too much time with my psycho family. This might not be the best time to ask me for advice.
Me:I don’t know where we stand at this point. I tried not to care, but that epically failed and ended with him giving me the best orgasm of my life.
Kylie:Okay, I have to leave or I’m going to be late for school, but I really want more details about this best orgasm of your life. We’re going out tonight. I’m going to vent about my family, and you’re going to give me all the deets.
Me:Nate’s not going to go for that plan.
Kylie:I don’t really care what Mr. Hottie Guardian Angel wants. He’ll survive.
Me:Please stop calling him that.
Kylie didn’t respond, so she was either ignoring me or she’d started driving and I’d hear from her in a few hours.
I put the phone down and rolled over to face Nate.
He wasn’t curled around me this time like he had been Saturday morning. He was lying on his side with his hands curled into his bare chest. His hair stuck up slightly at the top, and I had to fight the urge to smooth it down. Even asleep he looked tired, as if it would take several more days of sleeping to make the weariness leave his face.
“See something you like?” Nate asked without opening his eyes.
“How long have you been awake?” It came out sounding like an accusation, as if I wasn’t the one possibly crossing a line here.
His lids lifted, and I was suddenly staring into brilliant green eyes. “A few minutes probably. Do we have work this morning?”
I smiled. “No.Ihave work this morning. You get to do whatever you want for the next six hours.”
“No, I don’t. I can’t do what I want at all.”
“And what is it that you want to do?”
My breath caught as I tried to decide if I’d heard him right.
He didn’t give me time to figure it out or to restart my brain. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead, and then he was getting out of the bed and heading for the door.
I lay back against my pillow, unable to keep the wide smile from my face. He stayed last night, and he didn’t flip out on me this morning.
Nate was waiting for me in the living room, dressed in leather pants and a jean jacket over a white shirt that I’d picked out for him last weekend. It took way too much effort not to check out his lower half in those pants.
“Ready?” he asked with a grin that said he knew the direction my thoughts were going.
“Kylie’s coming home today,” I reminded him as we walked to the café.
Nate nodded but didn’t comment.
“I’m going out with her tonight.”
“Okay?” That was way too easy. I was beginning to think Nate’s body had been taken over by aliens or something. Between his behavior when he woke up and not fighting me on going out tonight, he wasn’t acting anything like the guy I’d been living with for the past three weeks.
“The chances of Dantalion or any of his minions trying to attack you while you’re out and surrounded by other humans are next to none. As long as we drive or fly, it’s a relatively minimal risk.” He took my hand in his and laced our fingers together as if it was something he’d done a hundred times.
He narrowed his eyes at me. “What?”
“I didn’t know you could be so reasonable and pleasant. I was expecting a fight.”