Page 109 of Soulmates
Orlando grinned, the deliriously happy smile of a man who’d found the secret to love and life. “You’re welcome.”
I laughed at the glare Nacio sent his way, bringing my cup of caffeine to my lips.
A prickle of awareness teased the back of my neck, and I glanced around for the source of the feeling. Through the glass doors leading to the back patio, I could see Sam stalking toward the house. His eyes burned into me with enough heat I was surprised nothing was catching fire.
“Nacio,” I murmured. “Sam’s here. Block the door for me?” I felt Nacio fall into step behind me as I headed for the glass doors that offered the only view of the patio from the kitchen. Whatever Sam wanted to say wasn’t a conversation that needed to happen in front of my family. The last thing I wanted was to kill their happy buzz.
Despite the tension rolling off him in waves, I couldn’t fight the smile that spread across my face. “Sam—”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he growled.
“Excuse me?” I couldn’t say I was surprised by his words or tone, but that didn’t mean I had to put up with it.
“It’s not safe for you to be here.” He stopped inches away from me, his anger crackling in the space left between us.
I ignored the tension. Nothing was going to ruin my mood today. “Care to explain how I’m any less safe here than I am at Nate and Sierra’s house?” I asked calmly. “I didn’t just call an Uber and come here without a care in the world. I talked to Nate about it. He talked to Nacio.”
“You’re not exactly a low-profile person around here. Asura could find out where you live.”
“Then honestly I’d rather be here with the Blues and Nacio than leave my parents and younger siblings here alone and unaware of any danger,” I snapped, starting to lose my cool.
I could see the struggle and conflict in his eyes. Sam wasn’t the type to willingly let anyone get hurt by demons or his evil mother, but I knew he’d rather put my safety above everything else at the moment.
“My brother got engaged,” I said. “He asked us all to come over, and I asked Nate about the risk factor. I wasn’t being reckless and I’m not sorry.”
“Of course not,” he muttered. “Where’s Nathaniel?”
“Upstairs, I think. I haven’t seen him or Sierra yet this morning.”
“I want to talk to him.” He started to move past me, and I placed a hand in the center of his chest to stop him.
Sam covered my hand with his, slowly pulling it away from his chest. “What?”
“I haven’t seen you in over a week.” I rose onto my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck. “Have you missed me at all?”
He reached up and lowered my arms. “This isn’t a good idea.”
I blinked, trying to tamp down the hurt before it could show on my face. “What do you mean?”
“We’re in this mess—you’re in danger—because I gave in to temptation. Asura wouldn’t give a shit about you or your family if it weren’t for our… affair.”
“It seems a little too late to do anything about that.”
Sam stepped back, his grip on my arms unforgiving, keeping space between us. “We don’t need to add to her belief that you matter to me. Ending our sexual relationship is what’s safest for both of us.”
He let go of me, already looking toward the house, probably so he could give Nate crap for letting me come back to Boston without his permission. Because Sam hadn’t learned that the sun didn’t rise and set on his command. He might be used to getting his way, but I wasn’t one of his employees. I didn’t work for him, and I didn’t owe him.
“Nate told me it’s against the law for an angel to have a sexual relationship with a human.”
“He wasn’t lying to you,” Sam said without looking at me.
“If you were just going to walk away, why did you sleep with me in the first place?”
“Because I fucked up. I tried to stay away from you, tried to get out of your way so you could date Mr. Perfect and have your eighteen children, but I fucking failed. I couldn’t resist you, and then you told me you couldn’t get pregnant and—”
“And there was no risk of my having a Nephilim baby.” My heart was trying to split into a million pieces. Sam only slept with me because I was infertile. “Would we be standing here if I weren’t broken?”