Page 82 of Soulmates
“Shit. You slept with him, didn’t you?”
“Oh my god! What do you have against Sam?” I shouted. “He’s fair, has a sound moral code, and he’s not after my trust fund. He doesn’t need me. He actually wants me.”
“He’s not good for you.”
“That’s not for you to decide.” My hands dropped to my sides, curling into fists. I was getting pissed now too. “Iget to make those judgments. And if this whole thing is a mistake, then it’smymistake to make. You don’t get to tell me what to do or dictate how I feel.”
“I’m not telling you what to do,” he said. “I’m telling you whatnotto do.”
I laughed without an ounce of humor. “Newsflash—I’m not your kid or your responsibility. I already have two parents who are pretty amazing people. The role is not up for grabs.”
“Mamma and Papa don’t know Sam.” Nacio glared at me. “They haven’t worked with him for the past eleven years.”
“Nacio,” Papa cut in. “I understand you’re trying to protect your sister and look out for her, but this is going too far. She’s an adult and able to make her own decisions.”
“Is she?” Nacio’s expression twisted with disgust. “Because she’s being an idiot, giving herself to someone who will never love her back.”
“You’re crossing a line,” a dangerously calm voice said from behind me.
I hadn’t heard Sam enter the room, but now he stood at my side, his hair dripping onto the collar of his black button-down. The sleeves were rolled up and showed his muscled forearms, and the top few buttons were undone, so I could see the silver chain of his cross necklace against his neck. He looked sexy and delicious, and I really wished we were anywhere other than my kitchen with both my parents and a pissed-off brother.
Sam wasn’t looking at me. His gaze was firmly on Nacio. “You have a problem with me being in your sister’s life, fine. Yell at me, throw your temper tantrum, but don’t you ever call her an idiot again.”
The blood drained from Nacio’s face and a look that could only be described as fear crossed his features briefly before he got his poker face back. “I have only asked you for one thing in eleven years. Was it really too much?”
Sam shrugged. “I tried. It wasn’t working out.”
Nacio’s eyes narrowed. “You should have tried harder.”
“Maybe you’re right. But it’s too late now.”
“Like hell it is.”
Sam lifted a brow at him. “Are you questioning my intelligence now too?”
“I’ll never forgive you if she gets hurt.”
“You won’t be the only one.”
I felt like I was watching a tennis match as my head swung back and forth between Sam and Nacio. Their conversation wasn’t making much sense to me at this point, but there was no more yelling and Nacio seemed to be calming down, though he still didn’t look even remotely happy.
Nacio shoved away from the kitchen island. “I’ll see you guys later,” he said and stormed out the glass doors, letting them bang behind him.
A few seconds later, we heard his engine start up in the driveway.
It wasn’t fair. I didn’t want my relationship with Sam to tear my family apart, but I didn’t want to deny the attraction between us just because Nacio didn’t like Sam for reasons he refused to tell me.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered into the now-silent kitchen.
“It’s not your fault,” Samuel said.
“Just give Nacio some time,” Mamma said. “He loves you, Piper. You know he just wants to see you happy. He’ll come around.”
“I know.” But I wasn’t entirely sure. I was used to Nacio’s hardheadedness, his need to have his way and his tendency to be overprotective to a ridiculous degree. And this felt different. Like maybe I’d found the one thing he couldn’t accept after having time to mull it over and cool off.
“We’re going to be in the living room if you need us,” Mamma said, wrapping me in a quick hug before she left the kitchen, Papa in tow.
Once Sam and I were alone, he sagged back against the beige tiled wall like all the fight and power had drained out of him.