Page 43 of Dark Deviant
Ibalance Daniela on my hip and open the front door before Tori has a chance to knock.
“Oh my God! Let me get a look at my gorgeous niece.” Tori drops a few shopping bags at my feet, grabs Daniela, and pushes past without even acknowledging me. She picks her up and twirls her in the air before hugging her close. “Ohhh, you smell so good, pumpkin.”
“Thanks, it’s Chanel Bleu.” I pick up the bags and close the door.
Tori dances around the foyer with Daniela. “You are so beautiful. You look exactly like your daddy, do you know that?”
“Whoa,” I say, holding out my hand. “Don’t say things like that. This whole things is kinda new and we’re just getting to know each other right now, right, Dee?”
“So you’re even using our nickname for you on your kid.” Tori rolls her eyes. “She looks like you spit her out. And her name? Daniela? I mean, can you imagine the coincidence? That your baby mama would give her the female version of your name without even knowing yours?”
I filled Tori in on a few of the details when I called her earlier, not all of them obviously. She doesn’t need to know specifics, but I did tell her how we never exchanged names in Kiev. I wasn’t ready to tell my family just yet, even though the funeral is this afternoon.
But desperation grabbed hold and wouldn’t let go. Larysa is asleep and I have no idea what to do with an almost two-year-old, so I figured my pregnant sister might have some tips since she’s read every baby book ever published. After watching Larysa twist and turn for hours before she finally fell asleep again, I figured I’d be on daddy duty once Daniela woke up.
And what shocked the shit out of me was that I actually liked the idea. Who the fuck would have guessed?
A smirk lifts my lips.
Someonewould have guessed. Mom.
“So, you’re not pissed off that I’m stealing the spotlight from you?” I put the shopping bags on my kitchen table and begin pulling things out. “Not like it was planned or anything. She literally kind of jumped into my lap.”
“The baby or Larysa?” Tori flashes a sly smile.
“Both.” I eye Tori as she cuddles Daniela. “You look pretty cheery considering what the hell has happened over the past few days.”
She shoots a fierce glare at me. “Do we really need to rehash everything? Do you think I haven’t cried my eyes dry since that night?”
“I’m not saying that. You just seem—”
Tori’s face pinches with fury. “Like a girl barely holding onto her sanity who has something happy to cling to? Yeah. That’s me. I need this right now, okay? So shut up and let me have it.” She turns back to Daniela, all smiles again.
Deciding not to taunt the beast, I hold up a pair of fake tits with a bunch of straps holding them together. “What the hell is this?”
“That’s for daddies who want to get the experience of nursing.” Tori beams. “Isn’t it great?”
“Yeah, great. And Konstantin is gonna wear one of these things, too? So he can share in the experience when you pop out that kid?”
“Of course. He wants to help as much as possible. And it’s really good for dads who want to bond with their babies when the moms are breastfeeding.”
The image of my brother-in-law wearing this thing makes me chuckle. Konstantin is probably the last person I’d ever imagine wearing these fake tits, but Tori has his dick wrapped around her finger so who knows?
“This gives a whole new meaning to strap-ons.” I drop the contraption on the kitchen table and grin at Daniela, who’s resting on Tori’s hip. “I think you’re too old for one of these things, yeah?”
“Dippy cup,” she says with a smile, exposing her tiny bright white teeth.
“Dippy cup.” I peer into the bags. “Tor, do we have—?”
“Absolutely. But she means ‘sippy cup.’ And I brought three different kinds to see what she likes best.” She nuzzles Daniela’s neck. “Because the princess deserves the very best, right? Auntie Tori is going to spoil you rotten, do you know that? Can you saydaddy?”
“Daddy!” Daniela giggles and Tori squeals in response.
“I just want to eat her, she is so stinking cute.”
I pick through the plastic containers of baby wipes, mini utensils, princess plates, and bibs. “Don’t get too excited about spoiling her rotten.”