Page 80 of Dark Deviant
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My finger hovers over the button, my pulse hammering against my throat.
She flew off the handle when she found out I’d lied. But was it because she’s really innocent, or because she was deflecting?
I stab the button, brows furrowed as the conversation plays.
Let’s find out exactly who’s gaslighting who now.
I may have had intent to kill her father, but I didn’t pull the trigger.
If I find out she’s trying to cover for the person who killed my mother, I won’t just punish her with intent.
It will be with action…excruciatingly painful and savage action.
The urge to punch a hole in Danil’s throat makes my fist twitch. Anger bubbles deep in my chest when we pull down a private cul-de-sac that features only one house at the end of the street.
“You had no right to make this decision by yourself.” Heat floods my body to the point where I’m sure I’ll see steam rise out of my pores at any second.
“She’s my daughter. I had every right to find a way to keep her safe,” he says in a toneless voice, which pisses me off even more. I want to fight, to demolish, to yell and scream. But ever since this afternoon when Luka quickly left the condo, the fire I’ve seen rage over the past week has all but extinguished.
He’s been stone-cold, barely acknowledging me over the past few hours. He took Daniela down to the beach and didn’t bother to ask if I wanted to join. Of course I watched them out the window of his bedroom. And despite the hatred percolating in my heart for a man I thought I was falling for but now know is a lying sack of shit, it was hard to not melt just a little bit. He played with her for almost an hour, chasing her through the sand, dancing in the shallow water hitting the shore, swinging her around and laughing a father and daughter should.
A pang assaults my heart. I grip the sides of the leather bucket seat and force out those images from my mind.
It doesn’t matter that he’s formed this relationship with Daniela. She’ll have to live with the disappointment of knowing her father is a deceitful bastard who may have killed her grandfather.
I exposed Danil for what he really is, and he can’t argue against any of it.
Because he knows he’s a liar, too.
“I obviously want to keep her safe, too. But you don’t get to make all the decisions.”
He turns off the ignition after pulling into the driveway and slants me a look. “That’s going to change.”
My jaw drops. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I am out of here after this show. You want to run someone’s life? Find anotherpawn.” I shove the door open and step onto the driveway. But before I can grab the back door handle, Danil already has Daniela unfastened and in his arms.
I ball my hands into tight fists. He walks right past me toward the front door without a single look and fuck me if my uterus doesn’t jump when Daniela flings her arms around his neck, a bright, bright smile on her face before she kisses his chin.
What the hell is happening here? How did I confront him about his lies and somehow end up the one without any bit of control over this twisted situation?
My gut churns.
He’s not the only liar…
I grit my teeth and stomp toward the front door. I tickle the underside of Daniela’s chin until the door opens and Tori greets us with a big smile.
“I am so honored that you asked us to babysit tonight.” She beams, her smile lighting up the dusky sky. “We’ll take such good care of little D.”
“Thank you,” I say, trying not to look like the mom who’s just had the rug pulled out from under her by the baby daddy. “We really appreciate it.”
Tori holds out her arms and Daniela giggles and jumps into them. “Okay, I have so many yummy treats for you, princess. And there are no nuts anywhere in my house.”
I flash a smile at Tori. It isn’t her fault that Danil is a total prick. “Call if you need anything. We won’t be late.” I stand there for a long minute after Danil walks back to the car, my eyes misting over when Daniela tells me she loves me.