Page 86 of Dark Deviant
No. Fuck, no.
“If you want to see your Uncle Isai and Petro alive again, you’re going to come with me. And if you need more convincing, I can have an army of men show up at Kostantin Romanov’s house and take your baby girl to make sure you do as I say.”
His face is a mask of evil, eyes dark as his threats. “You can move the gun away from her now, Danil. I know you won’t shoot the mother of your child. And trust me, you won’t be able to save her, either.”
Chills slither down my spine. My back stiffens as if poisonous snakes are sliding over my skin, and if I make even the slightest move, they will sink their fangs into me and flood me with deadly toxins.
“Put the gun down.” The man speaks again, raising his voice when Danil ignores his request to move the gun from my head. “Fullcooperation is the only thing that will keep your daughter safe.”
Danil’s hand falls to his side, but his hand is still firmly planted on my hip.
He holds me tight against him.
It’s like he knows he won’t ever see me again.
My heart plummets into my flip flops.
This is the end, and we both know it.
“We’re losing time,” the guy grunts. He reaches out, grabs my wrist, and tugs me toward him. My flip flop skids on the floor. I plow right into his chest, jamming my nose into his starched shirt.
A noxious scent of spices fills my nostrils when I breathe in. It makes me gag on the bile rising in my throat.
The man slams the barrel of his gun into my side when he tugs me close. He flings his free arm over my chest, the force crushing my lungs. A feeble gasp of air slips from my lips, and my eyes tangle with Danil’s.
As if my heart couldn’t sink further.
He’s going to let this happen. He’s going to let this lunatic take me.
Danil’s eyes scream of defeat, for the first time since I’ve known him.
I sneak a look at the man holding me in his vise-like grasp. His black eyes glitter with bitterness as he regards Danil.
“All wrongs can be made right in time,” he snarls.
“You’re right about that.” Danil’s lips twist into a grimace. “You’d better be ready when I come to deliver on that.”
I yelp when the guy jerks me backward. His gun digs hard into my ribcage, like he’s about to burrow a freaking tunnel into my flesh.
“As if I’d ever leave that to chance. It’s your time. And once you’re gone, we’ll be back for the rest.”
Sharp breaths slice my throat like tiny razor blades. Am I really going to be in the middle of a firefight? In my damn dressing room? How can that possibly end well?
“What are you gonna do? If you move your gun, I’ll blow your fucking head off.” Danil lifts an eyebrow, his eyes glued to my assailant. “Only one gun. How are you gonna kill me?”
A sudden whizzing noise jars me. I turn just in time to duck away from the heavy crystal vase Hadeon swings at the man’s head. The guy doesn’t miss a beat. He grabs me by the back of my shirt, pushing me down far enough so he can take a shot at Hadeon.
But not far enough where Danil can take a shot without blowing a hole through my skull in the process.
“Hades,” I scream, floundering in his grip. Hadeon lies still on the floor. Blood spreads onto the floor under his left shoulder. “No!”
The barrel of the guy’s gun is cold against my cheek. Tears stream down the sides of my face. My stomach roils, his heavy breaths laden with stale cigar smoke.
“I warned you, Malikov,” the man grunts, moving his hand to my throat. He squeezes hard, never moving the gun away from my face. My hands fly up, nails clawing at his skin. Danil’s face blurs, flashes of white light exploding in my periphery. “I told you what I’d do if you didn’t cooperate.”