Page 92 of Dark Deviant
But as the truck gathers speed, my chest tightens.
Betrayal is the most bitter pill.
He knew about Uncle Isai. None of us knew, but Tato did.
Does Uncle Isai know about the codes? How the hell am I even going to find them?
My stomach knots and I sit close to Petro, keeping my hand locked with his.
“Petro needs a doctor,” I say. “He can’t get on a plane like this. He could have broken ribs, internal bleeding—”
“Larysa, did I give you the impression that I give a flying fuck about the well-being of your family? Killing Hadeon should have cleared that up for you.” Adrian’s lips lift into a malicious smile.
“Hades…no…” Petro winces when the truck practically goes airborne after hitting a speed bump.
I bite down on my lower lip. He didn’t kill him. I saw him move. And I have faith that he’s okay, that Danil was able to help him.
Now it’s up to me to help myself and Petro.
Thick palm trees line the private road leading into the Miami Executive Airport. The sun dips over the horizon, the sky a mess of bold, bright color. I used to love staring into the sunset at all the vivid hues when I was a little girl. Splashes of pink, blue, orange, and purple would light up the sky and fill me with excitement and anticipation for a new day. It felt like I was part of a painting, a rich, artful masterpiece.
Now the colors fill me with dread, making me fear the unknown instead of being ready to embrace it.
Uncle Isai doesn’t turn to look at me once, fucking prick.
“How the hell did you let this happen?” I lean forward and smack the side of his head and he winces. “You led them right to our doorstep. You let them kill your nephew.”
Uncle Isai glares at me over his shoulder. “For years you’ve all been content to let opportunities pass you by.”
“Bullshit. You’ve been plenty content to live off of me for that time.”
He snickers. “Yes, well, I deserved it since your father stripped me of everything. I had ideas. I had plans. And he cut me out of the organization.”
“Because you’re a fucking idiot,” Petro mutters.
“Who’s the idiot now, hm?” Uncle Isai smirks. “I’m the one with the power and control. Finally.”
“Yeah, all you needed to do was give up your own blood to get it.” My temples throb incessantly, my ears clanging like cymbals in a parade.
“Small sacrifice. We could have done this together but you were all a bunch of pussies. Too afraid of what might happen. Power players take risks,” Uncle Isai spews.
The truck makes a right turn onto an airfield. A sleek black Gulf Stream is positioned at the beginning of the runway, the door open. A white staircase leads into the interior of the place. The driver pulls up next to the stairs and turns off the ignition.
Adrian stares at his phone for a long minute before raising his eyes to me expectantly. “Don’t make me kill Petro, too.”
“You bastard,” I scream at Uncle Isai. “How could you do this? I hate you!”
He just chuckles. “Love me, hate me. I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna be rich.”
I let out a scream of frustration and kick the back of the seat.
The back door opens and the driver pops his head inside. He grabs my arm and yanks it. I lurch forward and bring it to my mouth, sinking my teeth into his flesh. The sharp tang of metal fills my mouth. I clamp down harder.
He yelps and drops my arm, yelling something in a foreign language.
I grin at Adrian, blood drizzling from the corner of my mouth.
He pulls a gun out of his jacket. “Get the fuck out, or I shoot Petro in the head. Your choice. And don’t think I won’t. I already took care of Gigi.”