Page 96 of Dark Deviant
“Stop moving.” Hadeon pulls up to the curb in front of the house and turns off the ignition.
“Thanks. Appreciate the advice, dick.”
Hadeon flips him off and turns to me. “Hey, you wanna do this alone? Or should we come with you?”
“Better for me to go by myself. I won’t be long.” I force a smile and push open the door. “But thanks.”
Hadeon puts a hand on my shoulder. “Look, I wasn’t a fan of the guy before. Hell, I wanted to skewer his ass plenty since we got those security videos, before we knew the truth. But he was panicked after Adrian snatched you. I know he wanted revenge because of his mother, but he didn’t come after you at the airfield for revenge. He did it to save your life. Once he found out about that plane, nothing could stop him. He put himself in front of a bullet for you.”
“What’s your point, Hades?” My voice sounds as riddled with exhaustion as my body feels.
“He was pretty broken up when he left the hospital. Malikov is a pretty vicious dude. But whatever happened between you made him slump outta there with his dick between his legs.” Hadeon shrugs. “That means something.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, it’s not. Not for you, and not for Daniela,” Petro says from the backseat. “This shit happened for a reason.”
“Yeah, because I was paying the price for someone else’s sins. None of it was real.” I almost choke on the words. They taste like sour milk on my tongue, making my mouth twist because lies always do. “He lives for one thing, and I’m not it. Neither is Daniela.”
Once I step out of the car, I take a deep breath and stare up at the massive house. The front door opens before I even make it up the steps. Tori beams at me, Daniela sitting on her hip.
“Mama,” she calls out, a big smile on her face. “You’re here!”
“I missed you so much, baby.” I lean in to give her butterfly kisses. “Were you a good girl?”
“She was great.” Tori looks at my arm wrapped in the black sling. “How areyou?”
If only my arm was the real problem. As busted up as it is, my heart took the real lashing.
“I’m okay.” I smile at Daniela. “Just a little accident.”
“Daddy stayed with me and dollie.”
My nose tingles, and I feel a sneeze coming on, which really means I’m damn close to crying.
And that cannot happen.
“Why don’t you come inside?”
“Oh, I don’t really have time.” I hedge. “We should get going. Our flight leaves tonight.”
Tori peers at the rental car behind me. “Is that your ride? I can always give you a lift wherever you want to go.”
“No, those are my brothers. They drove me over.” I glance at the car, and then back at Tori. “But I’ll come in for a minute.”
She opens the door wider and I step into the foyer.
“Come into the kitchen. Have something to drink.” Tori smiles, looking so welcoming and warm. She puts Daniela down and I take her hand, squeezing it tight.
My heart sinks further in my chest because Tori is so amazing, and I’d love to get to know her better, but my reality won’t allow it. I can’t have my heart trampled on again and again, so if it means giving up a potentially awesome friend, so be it.
I take a seat at her massive marble kitchen island while she pours me a glass of sparkling water.
“So how did things go at the venue? Are they going to reschedule the show?”
I let out a dry chuckle. “They weren’t thrilled about my sudden ‘accident’ but were understanding.”
“You’re a hot commodity. I’m sure they’ll want to get you back down here to make up the date.”