Page 33 of Seductive Sadist
“Fuck your father. And fuck the Van Dynes.” He moves the knife from my face and sticks the point into my throat. My pulse jumps left and right, playing a fierce game of pinball. A sharp prick makes me cry out. Something warm and wet drizzles down the side of my neck.
Did he just stab me?
Oh my God, he’s going to kill me…
“Please don’t do this. Don’t hurt me.” Desperation drips from my lips, a silent prayer for help looping through my mind. My body stiffens while my brain works overtime to figure out how I can escape this madman.
“Move, and I’ll slice your throat.”
My knees buckle. I sway against him, my vision blurred with tears. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Just don’t—”
“I’ll have exactly what I want,” he growls, pulling my hair tight, pulling open the door to one of the trucks surrounding Zak’s. “Once you’re dead. Now get the fuck in.”
“Zak, help me,” Skyla cries out. “Please don’t let them take me.”
The guy with the knife to her throat digs it in hard enough where another stream of blood drips down the side. “Shut the fuck up or you know what I’ll do.”
He tries to throw her into the back seat but she digs her heels into the ground. Her shrieks hit the air. Anger colors my vision the deepest red. I forget about the guns and the bullets and all the guys who want me dead.
I just run, the need to save her trumping every other sane thought that screams at me to get the hell out of the line of fire.
Skyla suddenly goes limp in the guy’s grip, and his arms loosen as she starts to drop to her feet. When he pulls the knife away, she junk punches him.
That’s my fucking girl.
With a loud grunt, the guy pulls her up by the hair, slams her head into the side of the truck, and throws her listless body into the back seat.
“You motherfucker,” I yell, pointing my gun at him because I finally have a clear shot now that she’s down for the count. “You’re dead, do you hear me?”
A hail of bullets targets me from the other direction and I dive to the ground, using my arms and feet to drag myself over to my truck door for cover.
The kidnapper climbs into the truck and slams the door shut. Tires kick up gravel, sending clouds of smoke into the air around them.
I crouch down low to avoid more flying bullets and then dart over to Nik’s car when they finally have to reload their guns. “Throw the fucking thing now. They’re gonna get away with Skyla.”
He lights the cloth stuffed into the plastic bottle in his hand and flings it over to the group of trucks that ambushed us. It explodes before it hits the ground, spitting flames in every direction. A Kenzie specialty. She makes all kinds of bombs in her spare time, and thank fuck she was home tonight to deliver.
Now, instead of bullets cracking in the night air, there are only screams and shouts.
Good. Let those motherfuckers burn.
The squeal of tires around ground zero makes my chest tighten. “We need to go. Now.”
We run toward Nik’s car. My eyes sting from the fumes. Blinking fast, I jump into the passenger side and barely have time to slam the door shut before he starts the car and slams his foot on the gas.
I pull a new magazine from my back pocket and swap it for the now empty one in my Glock as he speeds around the charred mess in the middle of the empty road.
“Thank fuck you’re so far off the main road.” Peering out the tinted windshield, I can make out a couple of guys on the ground, clutching their throats from the fumes. The other one lies still, covered in flames. “Drive around them and get me close.”
We have a very small window, but there’s no way these guys are getting away alive.
Nik swings the steering wheel around, tires skidding for the sharp left. He slows down as we pass the guys on the ground. One by one, they stop moving, the orange flames jumping around them. They’ll be ash soon enough.
“I made a call before I got here,” Nik says, almost reading my mind. “My guys will take care of the cleanup.”