Page 92 of Seductive Sadist
Find them. Rescue them. Kill Jasper Colon.
But I need to get inside those doors first.
“El baño?”
The girl nods and points to the doors. Her teeth clatter together, her skin pale and sallow, a contrast to the dark circles under her eyes.
That motherfucker. I’m going to dunk his head in the deep fryer when I get my hands on him.
The Glock 19 stuck in the waistband of my jeans presses insistently into my back to remind me of what we’re here to do. A trickle of sweat drizzles down my back, and my halter top clings tight to me.
Alek Severinov doesn’t accept excuses. We find the targets who threaten Red Ladro and we end them. Period.
Nobody escapes.
For years, we’ve been cutting off heads of a hydra, otherwise known as Branko Ivanova. More always grow back, none ever lead us to the man responsible for the murders of countless, innocent victims. Every time I ambush one of these human trafficking cells, I pray he’s there, that I can be the one to end him and his reign of terror.
One day, he will be. And he’ll die an excruciatingly painful death for what he did to us.
Because Charly was only one of his victims.
And the rest need to be avenged.
I slowly walk toward the doors, and with one look back at the restaurant patrons, I push through them. It didn’t take long to get the information I needed from Jasper about his sex den. Posing as a dancer at his nightclub on the Strip wasn’t my shining moment, but it got me in close. He assumed by looking at me that I couldn’t understand his language. I spoke to him in Russian, fluttered my eyelashes a lot, and rubbed my boobs against him. It worked. He never suspected a thing. He’s not known for being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
And after he was high as a kite on cocaine, his mouth never stopped. I listened carefully, recorded every word, and got what I wanted.
A time and place for the next delivery.
Now he’s mine.
I creep past the signs for the bathrooms, plunging myself into the darkness at the end of the hallway. The broken wooden floorboards creak under my feet. My head jerks left and right. The door to the basement has to be here somewhere. I run my hand against the tattered paneling and move past the empty office. A door opens behind me, and a young guy in a torn red t-shirt pops out of the refrigerator.
“Hey, lady, what are you looking for? Bathroom is up there.”
I force a smile and nod. “Oh right,gracias.”
I throw up in my mouth a little when he doesn’t walk away, shuddering under his leering stare.
I take a few steps toward the bathroom, and he finally disappears back into the kitchen.
I have to move fast.
Back down the hallway, tucked right next to the back exit is a steel door with a deadbolt. I pull it open and a tearful voice hits my ears.
“Please help us.”
It’s the girl from the hostess stand.
I turn and put my hands on her upper arms. “That’s why I’m here. Show me where the others are.”
She nods and stumbles backward, pointing at the door and shaking her head.“No aquí.”
I follow her around another corner, this one pitch black. She disappears into the abyss, and I put out my hand to guide me along.
“Wait, I can’t see,” I say in a loud whisper. “Are you there? Turn on a light.La luz?”