Page 64 of Keep Her Safe
She leans forward and grabs my hand. “Babe, we’re just…concerned.”
“About what?”
“It just seems like you’re isolating a little,” Veronica says. “We basically live together during the season and I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
“The season just started.”
“Okay, and I haven’t seen you all week. You haven’t come out…you just…hole up in your house.” Veronica winces and I can hear the underlying questions and accusations.
“He doesn’t let you out of his sight, Shay,” Jeremy interjects and when I turn to look at him, his face is laced with concern. “Even when you’re out, he doesn’t take his eyes off of you.”
“Kind of his job,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood, but no one laughs.
“Riiiiight,” Derek says, “but now it just kind of comes off like the obsessive boyfriend that doesn’t want you to have a life outside of him.”
“That’s not what this is,” I say immediately. “He’s shaken up about what happened last week and I’ve been getting a lot of letters. Semi-threatening ones.” I wince.
Veronica narrows her gaze. “What? You didn’t tell me this.”
“I know. I didn’t want you to worry, but I’m good. I’m fine. I’m safe and that’s the most important thing.” They all just stare at me as if they don’t believe me. Derek looks down at his food and Veronica looks at me and I can almost hear her thinking ‘oh sweetie’. “Maybe you guys could come over and we could all hang out and you’ll see he’s different when he doesn’t have to be my bodyguard. That’s one of the reasons I haven’t been out. I can’t even kiss my boyfriend in public right now.”
“Boyfriend?” Derek asks with a mouthful of food. “We have labels already?”
“Damian and I…are a long time coming.” I bite my bottom lip and I see Jeremy giving me a look out of the corner of my eye.
“Oh reeeeally?” Derek laughs. “Well, isn’t that special?”
“Have you seen these letters, Shay?” Jeremy asks.
I turn my head back to him. “What?”
“These so-called threatening letters; have you actually seen them? Or did he just tell you they exist?”
“What are you getting at?” I ask.
“J…” Derek starts and Jeremy puts a hand up, to stop him from speaking.
“It’s just odd. You’ve gotten letters before and now suddenly there’s this big ass threat and so your bodyguard, who is now coincidentally your boyfriend, won’t let you leave the house?” His voice is laced with judgment. His eyes, which are usually a bright emerald, are darker than I’ve ever seen and I wonder if it’s because I’ve never seen him agitated.
“It’s not like that. I’m allowed to leave the house.”
“To come to set. Veronica just said she hasn’t seen you. He’s isolating you, Shay,” Jeremy argues.
“No, that’s not what this is. I said you guys should come over. Oh my God, we just started dating and I’m sorry that I’m enjoying the sex which means yeah, I don’t want houseguests.” I look around the circle. “For the record, when you two started dating,” I point at Derek and Veronica, “I didn’t see you for months, Veronica. And when you two are on again after beingofffor a considerable amount of time, you don’t emerge from a bedroom for anything except to hydrate. But do I say he’s isolating you? No, I’m supportive.” I look at Veronica, my voice full of hurt and irritation. “But by all means, come over! Let’s have a party!” I get up off the couch and go to my makeup chair so I don’t have to be sitting next to Jeremy anymore. He’s pissing me off the most out of all of them.
“Shay,” Veronica says and I can already hear the remorse in her tone. Something tells me that this was not her idea in the first place.
“Paxton royally screwed me over. He made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Like I wasn’t worthy of him. And then when I caught him, he acted like I should just forgive him because who would I find better than him? We were the perfect couple, why ruin that image? As if I didn’t have feelings.” I take another breath. “You guys are my best friends; I need you to understand that Damian is important to me.”
“Hello,I’myour best friend,” Veronica interjects. “These hooligans are good friends, fine. Not best friends. Just want to clarify,” she says pointing at them and back to me and I laugh, feeling some of my annoyance leave me slowly.
“Then be my best friend and get these two in line.” I point at Derek and Jeremy and Veronica nods emphatically.
“We are just worried about you,” Jeremy says. “And I know you feel connected to Damian because of everything you’ve been through with him but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the best romantic partner for you. Trauma bonds don’t always equate to romance.”
“Okay…?” I ask and now I’m annoyed at him for referencing my trauma. I was not prepared for that. “But it doesn’t mean he’s not either. Jeremy, I appreciate the concern…” I narrow my eyes at him because maybe I don’t appreciate it all that much.He’s actually on my nerves and I’m annoyed I have to spend the next hour in a love scene with him.“I think? But you’re overstepping.”
“Yeah, J, back off.” Veronica gives him her signature look not to fuck with her and he rolls his eyes.