Page 36 of Empire of Pain
“I love you.” She lifts her head to gaze up at me, blissfully unaware of my worries. “And if the baby is a boy, I hope he looks just like you.”
A son.“I hope he has your smarts, because if he has mine, we're in trouble.”
“Don't sell yourself short. You're a pretty smart guy. I mean, how would you have gotten as far as you have if you weren't?”
No comment.
It hasn't all been about intelligence. There's also a degree of ruthlessness involved, and I would rather my son not have to take the steps I did. “Smarts is only half of it. It's no secret that I've made enemies in my line of work. I don't want this for our children. They'll have options, too. Choices. They won't have to do the things I've done.”
“Our children can do whatever they want, be whoever they want to be.” Bianca beams up at me.
Knowing how happy she is, and the hope resonating in her, leaves me feeling cautiously hopeful, as well. Like nothing but good things are coming our way. A future full of happiness. That is unless she decides I'm not worth the risk when she finds out her mother didn't have to know I existed in order for me to end her life. If that's possible, what's possible for the people closest to me? I want Bianca to know she's always safe with me, yet I can't help being reminded of everything her father said. All of it was horrible, but they were all true.
I'd love more than anything to bury the secrets, but Bianca deserves to know. She deserves to know everything.
“What about Harvard or Yale? We should start a college fund right away.”
“Whoa, slow down. We need to do one thing at a time,” I assure as we cross the front patio of the restaurant on our way out to the car. I love his enthusiasm, but we should focus on getting through this pregnancy before choosing a school. “We don't even know if it's a boy or a girl, and you already have them attending an Ivy League school.”
“Nowadays, you have to plan far in advance. Trust me,” he insists when I snicker. “I still wake up in a cold sweat when I remember those bills I got from the bursar's office, and you girls didn't go to an Ivy League school.”
“I'm shocked. Even Mr. Torrio himself is worried about the cost of a university?”
He smirks, “Even people with money can experience sticker shock, trust me.”
“Okay, well, let's wait until we have a due date before we start the college fund, okay?” Though I can't pretend it doesn't make me excited knowing he's looking forward to raising our baby. There I was, nervous he'd be upset and think it was too soon.
It's moments like this when I wonder if he's more excited than I am.
I wish he could be entirely in the moment, though. That's the one thing that would make tonight perfect. More than once, I felt like he was distracted, just as he is now. I know why, and I understand why he looks around before opening the car door. He's worried Jack or one of his men are waiting around the corner, looking for the perfect moment to attack. I hate seeing him so paranoid, but more than anything, I hate seeing him so afraid. A man like Callum having fears shows his weak spots, and we both know what Jack is willing to do to get what he wants. I can only imagine he wants to punish me—us—for what happened to Dominic. He was pissed enough when there was nothing but a fork involved. I'm sure he's feeling mighty murderous right now.
Callum seems to loosen up once we're in the car, pulling me in close for a kiss. Not the chaste sort of kiss he gave me in the restaurant. No, this is the sort of kiss that makes my toes curl and my core clench, especially once his tongue slides past my lips, tangling with my own.
On the one hand, I want nothing more than to lose myself in him right here and now. He's pretty much healed from his wounds, including the one he got from Dad. I still cringe–like, full-body cringe–when I remember the fear and embarrassment of that morning.
Judging from the steel hardness of his cock, he's feeling much better.
On the other hand, we're not alone.
“What are you doing?” I whisper when Callum reaches out to press the button that raises the privacy divider between us and the driver.
“What do you think?” All at once his hand is up my dress, his fingers dancing over my skin and setting it on fire. He pulls the crotch of my thong aside and chuckles against my neck, making me shiver. “Already wet for me, I see.”
“We shouldn't...” But even I hear the weakness in my whispering, how half-hearted it is. He has a way of making me second-guess everything I believe. Like how it's probably bad taste to have sex in the backseat of a car that somebody else is driving.
My body doesn't care about any of that right now. It wants, it needs, and it's going to be satisfied.
I arch my back at the entrance of one, then two, of Callum's thick digits. His hot breath fans across my chest while my own fingers work through his hair, clutching him to me. All of my awareness travels south and tightens until there is nothing in this world except the delicious friction of the pounding of his knuckles against my sensitive flesh.
“Such a bad girl,” he whispers, fingering me hard and fast. “This pussy is always wet and ready for me. My pussy.Mine.”
“Yours!” I pant, leaning against the seat, jerking my hips in time with his rapid strokes. When he adds a thumb to my clit, he sets off an explosion in my core. My body jerks, going motionless, before the tension breaks and leaves me shaking.
The shock waves still roll through me when he lifts his head, grinning at me. “That didn't take long.” He withdraws his fingers, then lifts them to his lips, and I watch as he sucks them clean. There is nothing as erotic as this, watching him take pleasure in me. He doesn't try to hide it—no, he wants me to see. He wants me to know.
And now I want more. I pull him closer and find the bulge in his slacks, running a hand over it while teasing us both with light, playful kisses. He leans in for more, but I pull back, grinning at his frustration before giving him my lips. I taste myself on him, and something about it reaches that greedy, hungry part inside me. I want to experience everything with him, in every way.