Page 82 of Empire of Pain
“A bomb? I ordered a couple of bras, for fuck's sake!”
It's Dad who cuts through the growing panic. “It's obvious what happened.” A change comes over him—his eyes go narrow, unyielding, and now I see the longtime detective. Like he slid back into the role. “Whoever did this must have intercepted the UPS truck. It would be best if you had your men search nearby. They could have killed the driver and left the body somewhere. They placed the explosive in the box and left the mailing label intact to make it look legitimate.”
With his hands on his hips, he turns in a slow circle. “You can't see this place from the street. They could have used a timer, or someone might have remotely detonated it after a certain amount of time. How long would you say it was?”
Callum shrugs. “Five minutes?”
“That sounds about right. Was the box heavy?”
“Not very. You saw it. I practically tossed it onto the table.” His eyes close, brow furrowing like he's in pain. “I fucking tossed it.” My blood runs cold at the thought. What if it had detonated then and there? I could have lost the two most important men in my life.
“Who would do this?” Dad demands.
“Who do you think? The same fuckers who took them.”
Callum must not see the effect his words have on us, but Dad does. He wraps an arm around me, draping the other over Tatum's shoulders. She wraps her arms around herself and tucks her body close to his while I do the same.
By now, Callum's men are swarming the house, searching for any signs of further damage. The two men posted to the front gate come running up the drive, both shouting excuses before they reach us. “It looked legit! The guy had ID and everything!”
“It was a regular UPS truck,” the second guard insists. Both of them look scared to death, pale-faced and jumpy.
“Oh, it looked legit? Did the person have an ID?” Callum's fist collides with the second man's jaw, knocking him on his ass. Tatum lets out a whimper while I flinch at the sound of bone crunching. I'm surprised Dad doesn't react, but then he looks like he wants to take a turn throwing fists, too, his nostrils flared beneath steely cold eyes.
“Come on, beating the shit out of these guys isn't going to help.” Romero pulls Callum back while he snarls and curses at the two guards. “We've got to think about what to do next. Whoever did this, they'll be in the area. They're going to want to see the outcome.”
“A fucking bomb. They sent a fuckingbomb! To myhome! These motherfuckers. I'm going to skin them alive.” Callum takes Romero by the shirt collar, pulling him close. “And you're the one who wanted to be cautious. You're the one who thought I was moving too fast.”
“Dad, stop!” Tatum begs. “It's not his fault!”
Callum shoves him away, snarling, but Romero only brushes himself off. “Blame me all you want, but that won't change what needs to happen now. We need to make sure they're safe.” He nods toward Tatum and me.
“I'm not going anywhere.” I don't know where that came from—the words poured out of me before they were a conscious thought.
“You can't stay here,” Dad growls. “Either of you. This place isn't safe right now.”
“I don't want to leave,” Tatum weeps. “Dad, it's happening again. Why is it happening again?”
That's what does it. That tearful, pleading question snaps Callum out of his enraged haze. He is absolutely in anguish as he turns our way, and for a split second, I think he's going to cry, too. I know him so well I can practically read his thoughts, and he is blaming himself for this.
“Charlie's right,” he announces. “You and Bianca should go, at least for the time being. Not forever, just for now.”
“Should they be together, though?” Romero asks.
Tatum and I exchange a glance. I don't want to leave without her. It's bad enough I have to leave at all. This is where I belong, with the man I love. I didn't get into this life to run away when things get bad—I might have before, but that was then. I've changed. I know where I belong. But I also can't be selfish. There's a life growing inside me, and until my baby can make their own choices, I have to do what's best for them. They come first, then me.
“You're right,” Callum decides. “Charlie, I'm going to give you the address of one of our safe houses.”
“What about me?” Tatum whispers while her eyes well up again.
“I'll take you to a separate house,” Romero offers. “You'll both be safe.”
Safe. I'm starting to wonder if that word means anything. I've heard it so many times, but once again, the illusion has shattered. I don't know if I will ever feel safe again.
Dad pulls out his phone for Callum to rattle off an address which he programs into his GPS. “It's twenty minutes away. I'll get her there in fifteen,” he vows.
“I'm scared. I'm scared for you.”
Callum takes my face between his hands and touches his forehead to mind while I whisper frantically. “Come with us. Please. Let your guys take care of this. I need you with me. Our baby needs its daddy.”