Page 6 of Shared By Two Orcs
What am Idoing? Honestly, what is wrong with me? I’ve never minded a man’s attention, but this is getting ridiculous.
I need to put an end to it.
“You pervert!” I shout, and he blinks, the spell suddenly broken. His lips part, but no sound comes out, and I’ve pushed past the weird feeling that erupted through me. I start toward my clothes on the bank.
“I’m sorry!” He rubs his head, and I hate how deep his voice is. Why did those two words send another wave of excitement through me?
“Get away from me!”
He hesitates, looking like he might argue with me. In reality, I’m the one that shouldn’t really be out here, but I don’t think he’s going to question me right now. He looks just as flustered as I do. Which, in turn, only makes me more interested in what he was doing before I caught him.
I should be disgusted, not more turned on, but today has not made a bit of sense. And now that he’s here and my mind is flitting between him and the other orc, I don’t know what to make of it.
So, I force myself out of the river, even if I’m interested in what he would do if Ididlethim look. What a stupid thing to think, out here alone with a big orc.
And that thought does not leave me with a healthy dose of fear like it should. It sends another thrill through me.
Gods, Willo. You need to get it together before this all goes wrong.
Or right?
Iwake up at sunrise, bright and early for another day’s work. Rising from my bed with a yawn, I trade the warmth of the soft blankets for a brisk, icy splash of cold water. I submerge a cloth in the bucket, wringing it out before wiping down the rest of my body.
Its chilly temperature wakes me better than any cup of kaffo could, causing my heartbeat to quicken for a few minutes. When I’m all washed, I grab a clean towel and dry myself off, ready and refreshed for the day ahead.
“I wonder who’s going to give me trouble today,” I mutter.
Thoughts of the past week run through my mind. It has only been a few days since I was demoted from our clan’s battalion unit, having lost a fight against my bitter rival; Yaghed. Making matters worse is the fact that some of his lackeys throw insults my way everyday when I’m on perimeter watch.
“Joke’s on them,” I chuckle. “They know nothing of how much I enjoy my time alone in the woods.”
The forest outside the camp allows me to relish in my solitude. My new role as a guard didn’t take me long to warm up to. I don’t get along well with anyone else here save a few people, so perhaps it’s the best role for me. My duties give me a lot of time outside which is my preferred place to be, at the same time still allowing me to serve the Shattered Lands clan.
I couldn’t lie to myself though, for one day I shall have another shot at Yaghed. Nothing would please me more than shutting his blabbering mouth for good. Before today’s shift however, I must get some chores done. I grab a small handful of rirzed from my shelf and rub it in my palms, then smear its scent all over my body so that I don’t smell like the rest of the orcs around here. I take my hygiene seriously, which is something the others could also do with.
I throw on some clothes, fixating an ax on my waistband before heading outside. I open the door to a burning sun, looking to the sky to see its long yellow beams creaking through the cracks and fissures of the white passing clouds. The usual smell fills the air; a smoky aroma coming from the smelter nearby mixed with the preparation of the clan’s daily breakfast. A light breeze rolls through from the forest, carrying with it the rich, woody scent of the trees.
Whistling a merry tune, I walk around the side of my house. Embedded in a tree trunk is my wood chopping ax, beside laying logs of wood from the forest. Living beside nature had its perks, one of them being an endless supply of heat for warmth and cooking. I get to work chopping some planks for my home.
The good weather has me looking forward to my shift later on. I’m in a good mood by the time I finish with my chores, heading over to the common hall to fetch a spot of breakfast. I find a lonesome stump, taking my place on it as I indulge in a generous portion of dripir and sench.
The dripir is cooked to perfection as its tender red meat falls apart inside my mouth. Each bite has me eager for the next one. The buttery taste of the white fat numbs down the bitter taste of the sencha, pairing well with the green vegetable’s earthiness. I enjoy some time watching the activities of the clan around me as I finish things off with a warm mug of kaffo.
From the corner of my eye, I can see other groups of orcs casting sidelong glances at me. Most people here know me by now as somewhat of a loner but it doesn’t bother me. Besides, I’ve yet to meet anyone here whomst I share a special connection with. Although, I do sometimes yearn for someone else’s company, for the nights can feel lonesome.
A few hours after breakfast, the time comes for me to start my shift. I remove a cloth from my pocket, wiping my mouth and tusks clean of any food debris. I take a fijus before heading toward the gates. As I walk past the combat training area, I can’t help but glance over. In the pit now is Yaghed, besting another rookie and being all high and mighty about it. Watching over the combatants is Sukha who notices me watching.
Our eyes meet, lingering in contact for a while before he shoots a subtle nod. I return the gesture, for he’s one of the only few in this camp who doesn’t look down on me. Even then, our relationship as friends has been tentative since my fight with Yaghed. I walk on, keeping my head held high.
I approach the gates as the other guards are wrapping up their shifts, climbing down from the guard towers. Coming up behind me are the other guards slated to start their duties.
“Nothing much today, just a couple of dae nearby,” says a guard, handing me the report for the last few hours.
“Duma,” calls out another guard. “I’ll take position atop the towers and keep an eye out. Do you want to head outside and do your usual patrol in the woods?”