Page 16 of Touchdown
“Who the fuck is Nathan?” he growls.
Cody snorts. “The guy who wants your cock in his ass.” Katie and I break out into uncontrollable laughter at Cody’s answer. The horrified look on Darius’s face is priceless.
“How much have you three had to drink?” The three of us girls share a look before laughing again. “Leah?” Darius snaps.
“We may have had a few or is it a couple, maybe I don’t know. Nathan kept bringing us fruity yummy drinks,” I answer, which just earns me another look from the broody bastard. “Stop looking at me like that. You’re just pissy because I made new friends and you weren’t invited tonight. Wait, why were you there tonight?” Rather than answering he turns around and faces forward but I’m not having it. Maybe it is the alcohol but I feel reckless and emboldened suddenly. I climb over the console, ignoring Darius’s shouts to sit my ass down. Beck swerves but rights the car.
“Leah, sit the fuck down!” Darius yells. I manage to climb in the front and plant my ass right on his lap, then unclick his seatbelt while he sits there stiff as a board. I pull the belt around both our bodies and clip it back in as I shimmy back against him. I feel his cock twitch in his pants and smirk triumphantly.
“Now that you can’t escape me, tell me why you were there tonight. Don’t lie either because Cody told me she saw you with Corv, Saint and Crue as well.” It takes him a minute to finally relax back into his chair. When he does, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder. Suddenly feeling really sleepy, my lids begin to grow heavy, and I feel myself drifting off to sleep.
“Because I didn’t want you to choose Garrett.” I swear I hear him whisper before sleep claims me.
Beck kills the engine when we pull into our drive. Saint’s jeep is here so they must be home. Corvin refused to hang around the club and wanted to go back to the party. I refused to leave, which pissed him off more. Beck drove the three of them back to get Saint’s car before coming back to get me and the girls. We sit here for a moment saying nothing. Beck checks his rearview mirror and sighs.
“They crashed as well?” I ask.
“Yeah, you want to take her in and I’ll take Katie then come back for Cody?”
“Yeah,” I say tiredly. I unclip my belt ready to get out when Beck’s words stop me.
“She needs to go in the spare room.” It grates on my nerves that he’s telling me what to do with her but I also know he is right.
‘Yeah, I know,” I answer somberly. I push the door open and maneuver Leah so she is laying bride style in my arms. I carefully climb out of the car, making sure she doesn’t hit her head, then turn to see Beck lifting Katie from the car, holding her the same way I hold Leah. We both make our way toward the house, Beck comes to a stop in front of me at the porch steps. I peer around him to see Corv sitting there. He looks to me then drops his gaze to his sister in my arms. He sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Cody in the car?”
“Yeah, she’s out cold,” I answer, taken back that he isn’t yelling at me for holding his sister. He even seems like he’s sobered up. Did they even go back to the party?
“You two take them up, I’ll get Cody,” he says as he climbs to his feet and steps around us to head back to the car. Beck shoots me a look. I just shrug and shake my head.
“Let’s go before he comes back and yells at me,” I say, causing us both to chuckle quietly as we make our way inside. We pass the living room and come to a stop at the sight of Saint and Crue sitting on the couches watching a movie. “I thought you guys would still be out,” I say. They both look over the back of the sofa and the second they spot Katie in Beckett’s arms they are launching off the couch and rushing around to grab her off him. Utterly baffled and weirded out at the sight of Crue holding the girl close to his chest, with Saint running fingers down her cheek tentatively, I decide to leave them and their fucking trio issue alone, then head upstairs.
Iclimb the stairs and head for the spare room. The door is ajar so I use my shoulder to push it open. I walk over to the bed and gently lay her down before reaching for the throw blanket at the foot of the bed. I pause at the sight of her boots. Dropping the blanket, I gently peel the boot off her left foot—how the fuck she can walk in these I will never know, but fuck they make her legs look they go on for days. I reach for her right one and gently pull it off. I drop her boot to the floor when I see a tattoo on the side of her ankle.
My eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as I skim my thumb over the letter. Right there on the side of her ankle is a smallD. I may be being presumptuous here but I’m 99.9% sure that D stands for Darius. When a shadow fills the doorway, I gently drop her foot and throw the blanket over her before turning around to see Beck standing there. I sigh, not in the mood for another one of his fucking bullshit heart to hearts. I make my way toward him and he steps back as I close the door quietly behind me. I take two steps toward my room before I stop and turn to face him. He stands there with a look on his face I can’t decipher.
“Just spit it the fuck out,” I snap, too tired and over everyone butting into my shit.
“She made a mistake, D. When are you going to let it go?”
“Stay out of this, Beckett. You and I both know why this shit will never happen,” I say angrily.
He shakes his head in a way that makes me think the fucker is mocking me. “Maybe it’s time you choose a different Williams sibling. A girl like that doesn’t come around often, Darius.”
“And how the fuck would you know?” He closes the space between us until we are chest to chest.
“Because I lost the best thing in my life. I was too stupid to realize how good I had it until I fucking lost it. Don’t be stupid like me, because you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting every choice you ever make becauseshewon’t be by your side. No amount of success or wealth will ever fill the void she will leave in your life.”
* * *
Ican’t sleep!
I’ve been laying here for hours mulling over Beck’s words. What the fuck happened in his past and who is this girl he speaks of? When I hear the adjoining bathroom door slide open, I close my eyes and feign sleep. I hear her shuffling around my room. I open my eyes to slits as I watch her head for my dresser, open the draw and pull out a shirt before quietly closing it. She turns to leave but then pauses. She slowly swivels back toward me. I keep my breathing even and lay still as she tip toes quietly over to me. I keep my eyes closed fully waiting to see what she does next, when I feel her lips press against mine it takes everything inside me not to move and remain still.