Page 20 of Touchdown
“Fucking tell me where she is!” I snap at Beckett.
He shakes his head and smirks smugly. “I was sworn to secrecy, my dudes, plus it serves you both right to suffer for being fucking assholes.” I gape at the motherfucker as he turns and walks out with the cocky duo following after him.
“I’m gonna beat their asses,” Corvin growls.
“Fuck, yes!”
“Prank war?” I slowly turn to face my best friend and grin like a kid on Christmas.
“Fuck yes, those bastards are going down!”
* * *
Corvin and I wait out back for the three assholes to get back from practice. Excitement thrums through me when they realize what we have done! I stuff my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, the weather is starting to get colder and I couldn’t be happier. I fucking love winter.
“You know Saint and Crue are going to take this to the extreme, right?” I lull my head to the side to smirk at Corvin, who is reclined on the lounger beside me.
“They can try.” The sound of the front door opening alerts us to their arrival. Corvin wiggles his brows at me as we wait.
“Fuck!” We hear Crue shout, then we are both launching out of seats and racing over to peer through the back door as we watch the three of them slip all over the wooden floor. We poured oil from the front door to the stairs. Corvin and I both burst out laughing at the sight of them skating all over the place. I completely lose it when Beck begins to do the running man and falls flat on his ass.
“I’m gonna fucking kill them!” he roars from his spot on the ground. I open the back door and step inside with Corv right behind me, the three of them swinging their angry glares our way.
“Oh my goodness gracious, what is going on here?” Corvin mocks.
Saint points at the pair of us. “You’re going down for this motherfuckers.” If they think this is bad, I can’t wait for them to see what awaits them in their rooms.
Corvin and I decide to help them out and give them a hand. The fuckers think we are trying to suck up so they won’t turn this shit around on us. Truth is, we just want them to go upstairs, which they are doing now leaving us to clean the floor. The moment the three of them turn their backs and head upstairs, Corvin and I shake with silent laughter. Once they reach the landing we move to the base of the stairs, I count to three and then it happens.
“You motherfuckers!”
They all shout in unison. Corvin and I race out the back door laughing our asses off as we race around the side of the house. I push the side gate open and we make a break for Corv’s car. We can still hear the three of them shouting inside. I’m laughing so hard, I have tears and my stomach is hurting. I yank the passenger door open and slip inside the car. Corvin is a second behind me, just as he slams the car into reverse I spot Beck running around the side of the house looking furious.
“Go, go, go!” I yell as he plants his foot and peels out of the driveway, with a pissed off Beckett chasing after us until we hit the end of our street.
Two weeks later…
“Thanks, Val, I’m so glad Katie told me about you.”
“Leah, it’s my pleasure, honestly. Thanks for working with my crazy schedule.” I smile at Val. The girl is not only stunning with her red hair, blue eyes, and cheekbones to die for, but she is also crazy freaking smart. Since transferring to online classes my grades have slipped and I’m so behind in English. Val is my tutor. She makes everything so easy and the way she explains it to me I actually understand what it means.
“Of course. Honestly, your son is so cute so I get how you would get distracted,” I say. Her son is so freaking cute. He’s four, and oh my God, you can tell the boy is going to be a heartbreaker. He has tanned skin, thick black ringlets and her blue eyes—the boy is going to have a line of girls wanting his attention.
“Thanks, You, Cody and Katie seem to be the only ones who are cool with me being a mom and student.” I frown.
“Seriously?” She rolls her lips over her teeth and nods.
“Yeah. I don’t have friends because I can’t go partying every weekend and hit the beach whenever I want.” That makes me so sad. I’ve never met Val in person, we talk every day over video while she tutors me. The school pays her for her time which is freaking amazing.
“Well, you have me, Cody and Katie and we don’t care you can’t party. You and that gorgeous boy are welcome to hang out with us anytime.” Her eyes begin to fill with moisture and my heart breaks for her. Being a mom must be freaking hard, but being a mom with no support must be hell. She mentioned that Dawson’s father isn’t around and I never pushed for more information. I could see that was a touchy subject for her.