Page 36 of Touchdown
“He was breathing when we left,” Beck interjects. Corvin just shrugs his shoulders.
“Well, he wasn’t when we got back.” Corvin forgets I can read him, I know he’s lying but the thing I don’t get is why? “We disposed of the body and made sure nothing would link back to us.”
“The whole fucking house saw us running through there to get to Leah!” I rebuke.
“They’re taken care of,” Saint answers.
“How?” Saint’s mask falters, I stare at him for a second as I try to piece this all together. How the hell would they have got a whole fucking house to remain silent and not snitch about a murder?
“Look, we did what we had to,” Crue says in a matter of fact tone.
“And what about him?” I ask as I nod my head toward Nathan, he glares at me.
“Well I won’t be saying shit, will I?” he snaps.
“We’re just supposed to believe that?” Beck asks.
“Asshole over there snapped a pic of me carrying the body, so I’d say I’m good at keeping my mouth shut.” Corvin nods his agreement, this shit is too much to deal with.
“All of you get your clothes from last night and burn them now, all the bedding you slept in needs to be burned. Whatever car you took needs to be detailed stat. You need Katie to hack into any cameras around the area that you went to and scrub the footage. We all need to get our story about yesterday straight and come up with a damn good lie about Leah’s face.”
“Since when did you become a pro on covering up a murder?” Saint jokes.
“Since this isn’t my first cover up,” Beckett answers in a flat tone, he marches out of the room as the rest of us stare at his retreating form, stunned.
“He wasn’t joking, was he?” Crue whispers. I shake my head.
“I think there is still a shit load we don’t know about Beck and something tells me, he was telling the truth just then,” I utter.
We come up with a plan that the girls and Nathan will stay with us for the rest of the break, that way if the cops come knocking, we’ll all be together. Saint and Crue left an hour ago with Katie to go back to the dorms to pack them some shit. Nathan left not long after them to go grab some shit for himself.
“This is so not how I envisioned my homecoming to be,” Leah mumbles. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, she rests her head on my chest. Corv and Cody sit on the sofa opposite us while Beck sits on the bean bag near the fireplace stoking it, burning the clothes and bedding.
“Me either,” Cody answers, shooting her friend a rueful smile.
“How did you picture it?” I ask.
“I can’t answer that with my brother in the same room.” I splutter as Corvin shoots Leah a scathing look.
“That shit isn’t funny,” Corv snaps. He’s been in a salty mood since Cody said she would be staying in the spare room. Beck offered up his room to Nathan, so of course Leah had to then offer him to crash with us inmy bed.
“It was a little funny,” she teases. I shake my head at the pair of them. “Becky?” she calls. Beckett slowly turns to face her, he smiles but it’s forced. “You okay?”
“Yeah, babe, just thinking.” I hate that he fucking calls her stupid ass pet names, it works on my nerves. The front door opens to reveal Crue, Saint and Katie. I narrow my eyes. Katie’s cheeks are flushed, her hair is a mess and Crue’s shirt is on backwards.
“So, campus is like a five minute drive and by my calculations, you guys have been gone over an hour?” Katie shoots Cody a dirty look before dropping the bag in her hand to the floor.
“Whoops,” she hisses as she stares at Cody.
“Bitch, you better not have broken my GHD,” Cody mumbles as she slouches back into the couch. Fuck me, I can tell I’m already going to regret having them all stay with us.
One week…
It’s been a week sincethatday. None of us have left the house and I’m starting to go stir crazy! Darius is constantly hovering making sure I’m okay, Nathan and Saint are always bickering. Cody and Corvin fight nonstop all day which means we all have to listen to them fuck nightly. That’s not the worst part, once Cody starts screaming, Crue and Saint make it their life mission to make Katie scream louder! Beck kicked Nathan out of his room and put him in the room next to Darius and me since Cody never sleeps in it. I’m glad my girls are getting–well I’m glad Katie is but it grosses me out to think about Cody and my brother. My ribs are fine now and my face doesn’t ache, the bruising makes it look worse than it is. I’ve tried for the past two nights to get Darius to touch me but he won’t, and it’s fucking killing me!