Page 32 of Dirty Truths
Before Jay delivered me to Sophie’s house, I stole his phone and texted myself from it. “Now I have your number,” I said with a smirk.
He beamed at me. “Now I haveyournumber. You may regret that, Kitten.”
I laughed and slipped out of the car with a wave.
“You spent the afternoon with Jonathan Hanson!” Sophie says for the fifth time as I tuck my feet under me and curl up on her couch with a glass of wine.
“Yes, I spent the afternoon with Jay,” I counter.
“Oh, now he’s Jay,” she says, all posh-like, holding out her finger as she takes a sip of her wine.
I laugh. “No, he was Jay before I knew he was Jonathan Hanson. He’s the one who’s been stalking me on the train. Jonathan HansonisJay.”
“Wait,” she says, holding up her hand, her naturally curly hair shaking as she does. I’m obsessed with her hair and told her so as soon as I walked into the house and watched her remove her wig and brush it out. “Jonathan Hanson is the one who stole your iPod and has been sending you songs?”
I nod, a perma-smile plastered to my face.
“YoupunchedJonathan Hanson in the nose!”
I laugh. “I guess I did.”
She falls back against the couch, bringing a hand to her heart. “Oh my God, you’re going to date Jonathan Hanson. This is like a Cinderella story.”
I narrow my eyes. “Um, excuse me, I’m not in rags.” I wave a hand up and down my body. “And I’m not looking for a Prince Charming.”
If anything, his name is theleastattractive thing about him. If I didn’t already know him or see glimmers of who Ithinkhe is when he’s not being Jonathan Hanson, then I’d be running in the opposite direction.
He’s my brother’s best friend, my family’s corporate enemy. He’s also cocky and entitled—everything I hate about men. He’s off limits in every sense of the word. But I like him.A lot.
“If you don’t want him, send him my way.” She waggles her brows. “I’d happily take a Prince Charming any day.”
I laugh. “I thought you were obsessed with Dexter.”
She smiles dreamily. “Oh, you mean Daddy. Yeah, I’d take him any day too.”
“You’re hysterical.” I wave off her ridiculousness. “How boring was work without me?”
She downs her wine and sets the glass on the table. “Uh, it was horrible. Rose came back from your meeting with a bug up her ass. She was barking orders and making us run circles for the rest of the day.”
I wince. “That’s probably because of me.”
She smiles devilishly, her dark eyes flashing with mischief. “I can imagine how well she took the news when she realized Jonathan Hanson”—she pauses when I roll my eyes at her—“I’m sorry, when she realizedJaywanted you for lunch and not her.”
I laugh. “Context is important, Soph. He wanted tohavelunchwithme.”
She shakes her head. “Nah, pretty sure I got it right the first time. He wantedyoufor lunch.”
My mind turns to the moment on the roof when he licked his lips and promised me the kiss of a lifetime.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I whisper, taking another sip of wine for courage.
Sophie straightens. “Of course. What’s up?”
“I’ve never been with a man,” I admit, and God bless Sophie because she tries to hide her gasp with a yawn.