Page 42 of Dirty Truths
Shivers drag across my chest with that whispered promise. “While I may sleep next to you,” I say, “I am not sleepingwithyou.”
Jay guffaws, his breath tickling my skin. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He presses his lips together and studies me, his eyes full of heat. “Okay,” he finally says, “I would dream of it. In fact, I have, but if you think I made you wait forever for this kiss, just wait until you see how long I make you wait for everything else.”
My eyes grow wide. “Oh, you think you’ll be the one making me wait, Mr. Hanson?” I tease in response.
His smile falls a bit. “Don’t call me that. Please. Just let me be Jay when I’m with you.”
I understand probably better than anyone how he feels about his last name. “Sure, if you agree to stop calling me Kitten.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Never.” He rakes his fingers through my hair and then drops them to my shoulders. “Where to?”
Biting my bottom lip, I look up at the tall building beside us.
He shakes his head, his eyes going round. “No fucking way.”
“My stuff is inside,” I say with a laugh. “Come on. Let’s take a nap. Then we can pick up groceries and cook dinner together.”
“You want me to spend the afternoon in the Jameses’ penthouse?” he says incredulously.
I shrug with a smile. “Why not? Afraid we’ll get caught?”
His eyes dance with humor, and he’s holding back a grin.
“Never pegged you for a scaredy cat, Jay,” I tease, tugging him by the hand and striding toward the building.
He catches up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders before dropping a kiss to my temple. “The things I’ll do for you,” he mutters under his breath.
Joy bursts from somewhere deep inside me, radiating to the tips of my fingers and down to my toes. His admission and the desperation in his tone and his actions make me feel like I’m walking on air.
Sal is stationed at the desk and stands as we approach. There’s no doubt he knows who Jonathan Hanson is, so I’m not surprised when he gives me a warning look, his brows creasing in concern when he catches the way Jay keeps my body tucked close to his. I send up a silent prayer that he doesn’t give away who I am just yet. Jay needs to know.Today. I just want to be the one to tell him.
“Ms. Catherine,” he says with a nod. “Heading up to the penthouse?”
I smile warmly. “Yes. Thanks, Sal. I’ll see you in a bit.”
He nods, and we continue on through the lobby, but before we get to the elevator, he calls, “I trust brunch with your brothers went well?”
I shoot him a scowl. Hedefinitelyknows who Jay is. “Perfectly,” I reply, then step into the waiting elevator.
“Brothers?” Jay asks.
I nod as I press the card against the screen, and the elevator door shuts. “Three,” I reply without looking at him.
He practically chokes on his surprise. “Three?” He coughs. “Geez, why did I have you pegged as an only child?”
I smirk. “Must be my bitchiness. Seemed like an entitled princess to you?” I tease.
He laughs. “I shoulda known with that right hook of yours that you had brothers.”
“They do like to box,” I admit before realizing my error. I’m giving away too much information too soon.
He hums thoughtfully beside me. I have a pretty good idea what he’s thinking.
When the elevator doors open to the penthouse, I stroll in like I own the joint.Newsflash, I kinda do. “Want to watch a movie?” I ask over my shoulder, heading for the couch.
Jay doesn’t follow me, instead wandering through the space, taking in all the details. “Want to go up to the roof again?” he asks, his low tone full of both hope and hesitation.
“It’s a little too chilly for that today,” I reply. “You’re being weird.”