Page 55 of Dirty Truths
There is no way in hell Cat’s here. And if she is, like I said, I’m going to kill her.
I stare down at my phone with the pinged address and look back up at the building. I’m in the right place.
Passing a hundred to the bouncer, I skip the line. A few guys groan when I head for the door, but I don’t spare them a glance. I’m on a mission. I have half a mind to text Carter and tell him where his sister is. But then I’d have to explain how I know her and why her presence here pisses me off so goddamn much.
It shouldn’t piss me off so damn much. She shouldn’t matter to me. I’m a fool if I think I’m only here trying to be her friend. We can’t be fucking friends because no matter what I tell myself the feelings swirling through my body, the way my skin heats at the thought of her, the way my fists clench at the idea that someone else could touch her, none of that is fucking friendly. I’ve never felt this way about another person, and pretending the feelings aren’t real isn’t going to change the fact that I’m fucking gone for her.
She’s the last person I should want and yet I can’t stay away.
My eyes adjust to the dark space, and I scan the bar area for Cat’s tall frame. When I don’t spot her, I continue forward. The room is dimly lit with a haze of red. The bass thumps, and bodies mold together on the dance floor. Downstairs, it’s like any other club. Upstairs? Well, I know what to expect.
Rooms with toys, ropes, curtains that hide nothing, and the sounds of pleasure echoing from every corner. It’s seedy and the last place I want to imagine finding Cat.
I finally set my sights on a spot in the corner where her friend is curled up on a man’s lap. The guy has to be in his forties. He’s got mostly silver hair with a sprinkling of black finding its way through. His fingers are inching up under her skirt, and she’s leaning back while he nibbles on her neck.
“Where’s Cat?” I demand, hovering over them, my arms crossed over my chest to keep from pounding them on the table.
They both jolt to attention, and Sophie pulls her skirt down to hide her thick thighs. Her eyes are hazy from what I hope is only alcohol. “Huh?” she asks, pulling herself up straighter.
“Where’s Cat?” I grit out, enunciating each word.
The man, who’s still got an arm wrapped around her, interjects, “Who the hell are you?”
Sophie grabs his arm. “That’s her Jay. HerMr. Hansonnn,” she says, drawing out my last name in mock awe.
Fuck, she’s useless. Fortunately, mydon’t fuck with meface works on her friend, and he gives me the answer I’m looking for. “She went to explore,” he says with a cheeky grin.
Or maybe not the answer I’m looking for at all.
Explore? Alone? Here? As in explore the sex club upstairs, or just explore the dance floor?
Once again, the guy reads my mind. “She was curious.” He points upstairs.
Fuck.Covering my face with my hand, I let out a groan.
“Have fun,” he says with a wink.
Yeah, if Cat is anywhere near as drunk as her friend, this is going to be the exact opposite of fun. I swear if anyone has laid a finger on her, I’ll burn the entire building down.
Never in my life have I cared about another person in this way. Especially not a woman. She’s not even mine, and I’m losing my mind over the thought of anyone touching her. Of anyone hurting her.
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Before I do anything, I need to calm the hell down. Getting caught in a sex club is bad enough for a board member. Getting caught beating the shit out of someone in a sex club would be significantly worse.
I pull my phone from my pocket.
I’m here. Where are you?
Please be in the bathroom.
All I get back is a wink emoji.
“Fuck,” I growl. What do I say to that?
Another text comes through.
Kitten: Let’s play a little game.