Page 158 of Extra Dirty
“This morning, you wore a T-shirt and gym shorts when you went for a run. Then you had your suit on for work. And now you’re in a pair of sweats,” I point out, as if I’m not the crazy one here.
Newsflash, I definitely am.
He quirks a brow. “And that’s got you shooting daggers because…?”
“It’s a lot of laundry. Add in Chloe’s and mine, and I feel like I could do laundry every day and still not keep up.”
Jay’s eyes soften. “We’ll hire help, Kitten.”
With a firm shake of my head, I huff. “I can do it.”
He doesn’t get it.
“But why? You seem unhappy. And you have been for a while. Honestly, I’m nervous that you’re having second thoughts about us.”
My cheeks flame, and I drop my head. Damn it. I’m just picking a fight with him because I’m overwhelmed. He’s not wrong. I am unhappy. I drop my fork and turn toward him. “Not about you. Never about you. Or Chloe. The two of you are everything to me.”
I press my hand to his cheek, and he leans into my touch.
“Then what?”
“I don’t think I can save the merger.” I drop my hand to my lap. “I’ve cost you everything, and I’m drowning trying to balance that withJolieand our family. And don’t even get me started onmyfamily.” Pressing my lips together, I take in a long breath through my nose to keep my tears at bay. “My brother had a baby, and we haven’t spoken. Hopie is a dream. Thank God I’ve had the chance to meet her. But my brother and I have no relationship. I don’t know how to wrap my head around it all.”
Jay closes his eyes and rubs at his forehead. When he looks at me again, his irises are darker, almost gray, and angry.
“Have I not shown you over the last year and a half that everything I do is for you?” he whispers. “I killed my own father. You think I give a fuck about his company going under? I already handed it over to my brothers. I gave it up long ago. You should too.”
“You what?”
“I refuse to spend the rest of my life fighting with your brothers,” Jay says, as if the explanation is simple.
“They’re Chloe’s uncles. They’reyour family. I’d do anything to give you the family we never had. Even give up my own,” he says, his voice softer now.
“But they did this to you. To us…”
“And I’m doing thisfor you. For us. Don’t you get it? Nothing in this world matters more to me than my two girls.Nothing.So give me your stress, wife. Give me your anxiety. Don’t hold it all in and resent me. Don’t stay at work late trying to fix the unfixable. Don’t miss out on this life we’ve battled for because of a meaningless brick building and some alcohol. It’s not worth it.Weare worth it.”
“Why are you so perfect?” I whisper as a tear slips down the stony mask I’ve been fighting to keep in place.
Jay gives me a soft smile. “I’m not perfect, baby. But I am perfect for you.”
“You really gave up your interest in the company?”
Jay chuckles. “Don’t worry, we’re not going to be poor or anything.”
“Oh no?” I tease. “Wouldn’t want to lose out on that jet of yours.”
Jay winks and takes my hand. “We’ll still have plenty of trips on the jet. You’re officially looking at the owner of one-half of Bouvier Media.”
My heart stops at his words, and I lock my gaze on him. “What?”
“You heard me. We work so well together, and the magazine is just one facet. You can continue to run it and contribute ideas for other businesses we should acquire or create. Or you can appoint a new editor in chief forJolieand take on more of a leadership role at Bouvier. Up to you.”
He says it like he hasn’t just stolen my breath like he stole my heart all those years ago.
Scanning his face, I ask, “You named it after my mother?”