Page 20 of Extra Dirty
Jay shoots me a look, and in return, all I give him is a shrug. If he wants respect, he needs to earn it from his new employees. Mine isn’t up for grabs.
He clears his throat. “I understand that some of you may have your concerns about me taking over, seeing as how, until now, I haven’t worked in the magazine industry. But I assure you my experience is in management and in helping those who are good at something succeed. And the resources at my disposal will allow us to make this the best magazine on the market.”
Sophie sighs and tosses her balled-up napkin onto the table. “We already outsell every magazine on the market, Mr. Hanson.”
“Yes. Under Cynthia, you did. But she’s leaving, and now it’s time for you all to prove your worth.” With that, he looks around the room again. “As I was saying before. We need a new editor in chief. And since Mrs. Sullivan has so aptly pointed out that I’m new here, I will base my decision on how each of you produces over the next few months. I’m not looking backward. I don’t care if you were Cynthia’s favorite editor.” He glances in my direction. “And I don’t care if you were her right hand.” He glances at Rose.
Apparently, he knows more than I gave him credit for.
“I’m making my decision based on what I see. For the summer edition, I want each of you to pitch me a story. Something different. Something no one has done. The best idea will get the feature in August’s edition, and the author of such will be promoted to editor in chief. Any questions?”
Whispers abound around the room. An open playing field. I don’t miss the glances in my direction. They all know I was Cynthia’s pick. Suddenly, every person at this table is wondering whether they have a shot at what is supposed to bemyjob.
He stole my heart a long time ago. But I’ll be damned if he takes this from me too.
* * *
Scrolling through my inbox,I curse again at Cynthia’s sudden inability to return calls and emails. I’m still stewing over Jay’s grand plan for picking an editor in chief. If she thinks I’ll let her retire without the guarantee that I’ll step into her position, she’s lost her damn mind.
When my cell phone rings, I say a silent prayer that she’s finally crawled out from wherever she’s been hiding and that she’s got a plan. But when I pick it up, my brother’s name flashes across the screen. At least a chat with him is sure to lift my spirits.
“Hey, Cash Money. How’s vacation?”
“Pretty good, Kit Cat. Everything okay at home?”
No. Everything is a complete disaster. But that’s not what he’s asking, so I take a deep breath and focus on remaining upbeat. “Yes, everything is under control. Pa looks better than he did last week, and Grandmother isn’t letting the nurses out of his room. I feel bad for the poor guy; he probably hasn’t had a moment of peace with her staring at him every minute of the day.”
Cash asked Frank to stay at our grandparents’ house while he’s gone. Frank is keeping me up to date.
“She’s just worried about him,” my brother replies in his easy tone.
I can’t help the laugh that comes out of my mouth. Hewoulddefend her. He’s the favorite. The one who never disappoints our grandmother. “She’s unbearable, and she’s all wound up. Be ready for her to focus all that energy on you as soon as you’re home.”
“Be good to her. I’ll see you when I get back to Boston.”
“Wait a second. How’s your last big hurrah? How come you didn’t have Carter and Chase meet you? I’m sure they could take the plane if you’re bored.”
My brother’s reply is quick and murmured, like he’s making sure he isn’t overheard. “Promise I’m not bored. I have to go, though. Later, Kit Cat.”
He disconnects the call before I can say goodbye, and I stare at the blank screen for a moment, shocked.He hung up on me. Maybe that means my brother has found someone to entertain him for the weekend. I hope she deserves him.
Truth be told, I could really use a woman of my own. I think Frank will be the last of the men for me.
“What has you smiling?” Jay says as he raps on my office door. Why he bothers with the formality is beyond me since he doesn’t wait for me to grant him entrance before he saunters in.
When I don’t reply, he holds up a platter. “Brought you a waffle, Kitten,” he says, wearing a stupid smile.
Tipping my chin, I focus my attention on him, ensuring my expression is hard in hopes that he’ll take the hint and move along. “If I wanted one, I would’ve had one while they were still hot.”
“Don’t be difficult, Kitten. I had Ivan deliver this one fresh for you.” He steps around my desk and holds the tray lower, bringing a waffle with fresh strawberries and a bowl of whipped cream into view.
I eye them for a moment, then peer up at him. Difficult? I’ll show him fucking difficult.
Without breaking eye contact, I swipe a strawberry from the plate and plop it into the whipped cream, all while Jay still holds the platter. His eyes flare as I bring it to my lips. Slowly, my tongue darts out and sweeps along the edge of the whipped cream–coated strawberry, and then I close my eyes and moan as I slip the piece of fruit between my lips. When I look up at him again, still sucking on the strawberry, the fucker is smiling.
With a huff, I toss the strawberry into the bin next to my desk and turn back to my computer.
He ruined my fun.