Page 25 of Extra Dirty
“Who’s us?” Sophie interjects.
“Well,” I hedge and bite my lip, “he asked Frank.”
“Okay, keep going.”
“Anyway, we found her. Turns out she’s married.”
Sophie blows out a breath. “Ah, shit. Poor Cash.”
My skin heats just thinking of what I’ll do to this Grace woman if I ever come face to face with her. “Yeah, he didn’t take it well. But it gets worst. She’s a matchmaker—that’s how he found out she’s married—my grandmother hired her to set Cash up with his future wife.”
“Shut up!” Sophie says like a sixteen-year-old girl, her eyes wide and locked on me.
I laugh at the absurdity of it all. I’ve never seen my brother so torn up over a woman. And when he’s finally ready for something serious, she’s got to go and be toxic. “Apparently, when it comes to picking ’em, Jameses aren’t too smooth.”
Sophie shakes her head. “I’m so sorry, babe. I feel like you need a night out.”
I perk up at the prospect. “Really? Do you think Dexter would watch the kids so we could go out tonight?” I ask, way too excited.
Sophie frowns. “Shit, I wish I could, but tonight is sex night.”
Disappointment over not having a girls’ night doesn’t even register, because my mind goes straight to the last part of her response. “Sex night?”
“God, it was a good run,” she mutters to herself. “Ten years…”
“Why are you talking to yourself, woman?” I tease.
Sophie shrugs and sits straighter, apparently already over the guilt she was harboring. Crossing her legs, she leans forward and grins wickedly. “Don’t tell Dex I told you this. He swore me to secrecy. But really, I think it’s incredible I lasted this long.”
I roll my eyes. “Sex night. Details. Now.”
She laughs. “Once a month, we go to a sex club and play…”
I swear my eyes bug out of my head. “With other people? You guys are swingers? What the—”
Throwing out a hand, she stops my spiral. “No.” She huffs in annoyance. “Not that I wouldn’t mind getting boned by two dicks at the same time.” She bites her lip and stares vacantly at something over my shoulder.
I snap my fingers. “Focus, woman!”
She shrugs and brings her attention back to me. “We go to play with each other. Sometimes we watch others, but no we’ve never…” she sighs. Like now that the thought is in her head, she knows she won’t be able to shake the idea of a threesome. And all it took was one damn conversation with me. I know how Sophie’s mind works. No wonder Dex wanted to keep this part of their marriage private. “Have you ever?” she asks.
“Had two men at the same time?” I laugh. “Sophie, I’ve been with two men my entire life! And well…” I cringe, afraid to admit the next part.
Sophie leans in. “Well, what?”
Twisting my fingers in front of me, I study a spot on my desk to avoid looking at her. “I’ve only ever had sex with Jay.”
Sophie practically falls over in a coughing fit. “But what about Frank?”
Sucking in a deep breath, I finally tilt my chin up and meet her intense gaze. “We’ve only done oral…” I swallow thickly, then add, “and…anal.”
Sophie laughs so loud I’m sure the people on the beach outside my window can hear her.
“This isn’t funny!” I grate out through my teeth.
She schools her expression, trying like hell to hold in her laughter. “Oh, babe, come on. It kind of is. You’ve avoided sleeping with men for thirteen years! Don’t you miss it?”
I shrug. “My battery-operated friends keep me company. I’m fine,” I lie.