Page 37 of Extra Dirty
Beside me, Chase sits up straight, the movement shifting the cushion beneath me. “No, he doesn’t. Until he agrees to show his face in Bristol and prove that the company is continuing in Gramps’s stead, our suppliers and contractors are going to fear that we’re going under.”
Caught off guard, I stop filing my nails and gape at Cash. “You’re thinking of going back to Bristol?”
His eyes go soft, and he presses his lips together as he studies me. “You don’t have to come. But yes, we are going to spend some time there. Landry likes to do business with local companies, and while we used to be one, we haven’t made our presence known there in quite some time.”
I don’t know a lot about the family business—my ignorance on the subject being 100 percent intentional—but my brothers have mentioned a deal with a man named Charles Landry before. He lives in Bristol, the town where we grew up, and the boys have been working to gain his favor so they can expand the business by partnering with him.
While I try to spend as little time in Bristol as I can, this expansion is huge for my brothers, and I’d do anything for them. “If you guys can do it, so can I.”
Cash moves from his position behind his desk and sits next to me on the couch. “But you don’t have to, Kit Cat.” He pulls me close. “This isn’t your problem.”
“I’m a James too, ya know. Just because I’m not a man doesn’t mean I can’t be of use in this company,” I argue. The idea that they don’t see me as an equal has my blood going hot.
“Cat, you’ve never expressed interest in the company,” Cash says. He’s focused solely on me, his expression genuine. He’s never judged me for that choice. “If you want a seat at the table, I’ll grab you a chair. Hell, I’ll build a bigger table. Whatever you want, it’s yours.” He holds out his hands, motioning around the room. “You tell us what you want, and we’ll go along with it.”
Chase and Carter both nod in agreement. They’re willing to let me in. Let me work alongside them in our family business. Relieved, all I can do is sigh. While the business has never interested me, it is nice to be wanted.
Carter pipes up with the details. “The party is in a month. But we should start showing up around there before then. I’ll start next week. Cash, you handle the party since you are who needs to be the face of all of this. Chase can handle another one of the weeks, and, Cat, you just tell us when you want to join.”
“Thanks. I’ll try for the event.” I drop my nail file back into my bag and check my watch. “Don’t you have a date?” I ask Cash. “That’s why I’m here. I wanted to make sure you were dressed appropriately.”
Chase guffaws, and Carter brings a hand to his mouth to hold back his own laughter.
Cash glares at all of us. “I’ve dated women before, Cat. I’m pretty sure I can handle this.”
With a smirk, I drop all pretenses. Whether he likes it or not, he needs me to give it to him straight. “Yes, it’s not so muchwomenthat concern me. It’s thewomanthat is arranging the date. I want to make sure she isn’t the one showing up. Ya know, another setup.”
“You act like Grace is this conniving person. She’s not like that.”
“I did hear she showed up here the other day out of the blue,” Carter mutters.
Ha. I knew that woman wouldn’t give up. It’s a good thing I came today.
Cash massages the back of his neck, avoiding my gaze. “She delivered the list of women. That was all.”
“And she couldn’t do that via email?” I ask. There’s no point in hiding my incredulity. He knows she could. He’s just being a damn fool about her.
“Listen, I can’t control her actions. I can only control mine. I took the list, and she left. I’m moving on. I’m going out with someone new tonight. I know how to date. I think I’m dressed all right.” He waves a hand up and down, motioning to his outfit.
I must admit, he looks fine. My brothers are all stupidly good-looking. They really don’t need help in the women department. If I didn’t loath the woman he’s fallen for, I wouldn’t be concerned about his dating life at all.
“You look fine,” Chase grunts.
“Okay, well, now that we have resolved the company’s crisis and my dating crisis, can we adjourn this family meeting?” Cash asks with a roll of his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m out.” Chase stands from his spot on the other end of the couch. “Good luck, bro,” he says, then he’s gone.
Cash breathes out a sigh of relief. “Geez, that was a close one.”
Carter laughs. “He gets overly worked up. Have fun tonight.” He lifts his chin in Cash’s direction, then stops in front of me and offers me his hand. “Want to grab dinner, sis?”
Tossing my arm around Cash’s shoulder, I give him a hug goodbye. “I know I’m hard on you about Grace, but I just want you to be happy.”
He kisses the top of my head. “I know. And I am. I’m completely fine. Promise.”
I follow Carter out of Cash’s office. “Sushi?” he asks as he slows so we’re walking side by side.