Page 50 of Extra Dirty
I don’t know what else to say. So we just stare at one another while her eyes dance with glee and I telepathically beg her not to make me say it.
We both jump when there’s a knock on the doorframe.
“Ladies,” Jay says, wearing a knowing smirk.
At least he’s taken off the godforsaken glasses.
To my complete horror, Sophie turns to him, pulls her shoulders back, and says, “We were just discussing the two of you.”
“Wewere not,” I hiss.
Jay chuckles as he folds his arms across his chest and props himself against the doorway. “I love talking about the two of us. It’s actually my favorite topic. What were you saying, Kitten?”
With my hands on my hips, I look at the ceiling and suck in a deep breath to keep myself from screaming at both my best friend and my boss.
Also known as the man I loathe, the orgasm man, Satan.
Sophie laughs and Jay smirks.
“I prefer orgasm man,” he says, “but I’ll answer to any name that crosses those perfect lips.”
Fuck.My face goes hot when I realize my thoughts weren’t as internal as I intended them to be.
“Come on,” Sophie says, “let’s go get coffee before you burst.”
She grabs my arm and drags me past Jay and his Cheshire grin. I hate him.
“Tell me more about the orgasm man,” she says far louder than is necessary as we walk out of the office.
As we stride down the hallway, my phone rings in my hand. I ignore my bestie and answer without looking at the display.
“Hi, Cat. This is Vanessa Simpson. Not sure if you remember me, but we met in college.”
I come to a halt in the middle of the hall as I’m catapulted to years earlier. Vanessa was a friend of Mia’s. I haven’t heard from either of them in over a decade.
“Oh, yes. Hi, how are you?”
Sophie’s eyes narrow, probably at my weird tone. Over the years, I’ve worked hard not to let thoughts of Mia invade my mind, but when they do, I can’t help but stiffen.
“I’m good. I’m actually calling because I was set up on a date with your brother, believe it or not.”
“Carter?” I ask with a frown. I prefer not to think about what my older brother does, but dating isn’t it.
“Oh, um, no,” she says with a nervous laugh. “Your younger brother.”
“Cash?” I question.
“Yes! We met through a matchmaking thing, and honestly, I think we hit it off. Has he said anything? Never mind. Obviously, he hasn’t if you don’t know about me.”
Interesting. Now this is something to smile about.Finally.“No, but I haven’t really seen him in a few days. That’s amazing. Have you heard from him?”
I can practically feel her nervous energy through the phone. My brother is a catch. He’s good-looking, kind, funny, and the head of one of the most successful liquor companies in the world. He’s a ten on anyone’s scale.
“Not yet. I think he has a few other dates lined up.”
Right. With his damn matchmaker. Who used to date the man I’m currently fooling around with.
And there goes that glimmer of excitement. I don’t know what Jay and I are doing, but the idea of him having slept with the same woman my brother is sleeping with is a bit too much for me. There’s no doubt I’d die if Grace and Cash actually turned into a long-term thing.