Page 88 of Extra Dirty
Beside me, Cash’s leg bounces as he signs the papers Jay presented moments ago. Few words have been spoken. We’ve communicated in grunts and glares for the most part. For my brother’s sake, I’m doing my best to hide behind a mask of tranquility. He needs to think that I’m happy about this wedding, even though I’m anything but. Inside, I’m shaking. Scared shitless.
When I take in the man across the table, the man I’ve dreamed about for almost half my life, I can almost convince myself that he’s hurting. That he’ll reconsider what he’s done when he’s had time to think. When he gets to know Chloe. But his nonchalance over the merger and the way he barely glances at me remind me of the truth. Jay cares about no one and nothing but himself.
“This is going to be great,” he says after Cash slides the final paper across the table. “We will plan the announcement in a few weeks.”
Cash glares in response. “You aren’t really going through with this sham of a marriage? I signed the papers—it’s unnecessary.”
Jay smirks. “Sintac wants a family business. What’s better than two family businesses joined together in holy matrimony? This is a happy time, Cash; get on board.”
Beside my brother, I hold my breath.
“You don’t have to do this,” he mutters.
I fake a smile. “We are doing this, Cash. We’re friends. Jay and I are happy. It’s what’s best for both of our companies.”
Across from us, Jay’s smile grows, although, like me, he’s putting on a front. “See? A family affair. It’s going to be great. So will Grace be there?”
His words are like a slap to the face.
Beside me, my brother seethes. “I know what you did. I know you and Grace planned this. I’ll figure out how to prove it, and then I’ll get my company back.”
Hoping to keep the peace, I sigh. “Jay had nothing to do with Grace’s tell-all. He stopped it from being aired.” The words taste hollow on my tongue, but I force them out anyway. Though I make sure to narrow my eyes at the man across the table. “Jay, stop bringing her up. I told you, we’re done with her.”
His cold stare makes me shiver, but it’s nothing compared to his frigid words. “And I told you, she’s my friend. Shedidn’tdo this. And you don’t need your company back, Cash, because I didn’t take it. We are merging—you will still have management of your side, and Cat will handle the expansion. This is a win-win.”
Cash snaps, “If you want this to work, I’d suggest you don’t mention Grace to me again. We’re done. I don’t deal with liars and cheats or people I can’t trust, and Grace is, unfortunately, all of those.”
Taunting my brother, Jay laughs. “You’re a bigger fucking fool than I thought. That woman gave you everything, and she would have given up even more for you. She practically did. You were off-limits in the interview, Cash. Vanessa played her. And nothing came out. All the secrets remain under wraps.Nothingis coming out. Forgive her, or you’ll regret losing her.”
That’s rich coming from the biggest scam artist around.
Cash pushes his chair back. “Let’s just stick to talking about business. Stay out of my personal life, and I’ll stay out of whatever fake marriage bullshit you guys are doing.”
“Sit down,” Jay barks, halting my brother on the spot.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Sit the fuck down,please,” he says in the most condescending voice I’ve ever heard.
I meet my brother’s eyes, silently begging him to make this easier on all of us. I’m barely holding on, and I just want to get this meeting over with.
With tense shoulders and a clenched jaw, he obeys.
“Now, you are going to have your publicist put out this statement. And if you get asked anything about Grace, you will refer to the statement or give nothing but a glowing review of her. Do I make myself clear?”
Cash doesn’t even look at the paper. “Not going to happen.”
Sick of their childish bullshit, I grab the paper and read it aloud. “Several weeks ago, I engaged Grace Kensington to help me in my pursuit of a wife. During that time, I was introduced to Vanessa. Although I did not see it going anywhere past the first date, she apparently did not feel the same way. After our date, and after I learned of Grace’s pending divorce, I pursued a relationship with Grace. When Vanessa found out about this, she was apparently angry and somehow hacked my account last night to make those slanderous allegations against Grace.”
I scoff and glare at Jay. When he meets my eyes with his steely gaze, I continue. “At this time, I want to make clear that Grace Kensington was an utmost professional when I was a client. She did not pursue me. She did not introduce me to anyone after I made it clear that I was only interested in her, and she is a victim of Vanessa’s lies. I am profoundly sorry for how she has been affected and hope that Vanessa is brought to justice for her crimes.”
I throw the paper at Jay. “This is shit and you know it.”