Page 10 of Wed to the Devil
Olivia pauses before answering. “I don’t think Dare has ever been honest a single time in his whole life. But I do think that you need to get this checked out. Assuming that you still want the pregnancy, it isn’t worth risking the fetus’ life on the assumption that Dare may be lying. He lies as easily as he breathes, but it’s too risky not to have this checked out by a doctor up there.”
“All right,” I growl.
There is a clicking sound again and then the women’s voices disappear. Sam asked the most obvious question.
“So what do you want me to do? I have the address. You want me to go up there and get her?”
I laugh, the sound cold and menacing.
“Oh no,” I say. I smile at my private investigator’s question, though he can’t see my expression. “I'll go and get her. You've done your piece.”
It takes longer than I thought to get up to the remote cabin in snowy rural Vermont. By the time I turn my Porsche onto the tree-covered, snowy private driveway, it's nearly light outside. The path is so filled with fresh snow that it becomes impassable just as the vague outline of the little cabin roof jutting out of the fresh snow appears.
But I am not about to let myself be slowed down by anything. Not weather, not distance, not anything short of death could keep me from Talia now that I know where she is.
It's a slog to get through the rest of the snow between my parked car and the cabin. But I push on and remind myself that inside this cabin is my little wife. The idea of her shock as she finds me knocking on her door is enough to power me through the thick snow without proper gear. When I finally step foot onto the cabin's front porch, my eyes narrow. I'm freezing and all my extremities are so cold as to almost be numb. But I knock the snow off my pants and boots, smiling to myself. I try the front door and find it locked but that's really no problem for me. I fish a credit card out of my wallet and make quick work of jimmying the lock.
Once inside the cabin, I am blasted with a wave of hot air. Talia is nowhere to be seen but I have a feeling that I am about to find her at long last. I close the door behind me, looking around the little sitting area and the kitchen. Then I see that there are two closed doors. I start to walk towards them when the door directly facing me creaks open. I see a flash of scared, pale face and a few strands of brilliant copper hair. Then I hear a muffled sound as the door is slammed shut.
Leaning down, I run at the door, ramming it with my shoulder. It gives way with very little resistance and I burst into a tiny bedroom. All I can see inside is my little wife, sitting rigidly on the bed, gripping the mattress with both hands. Her head is thrown back, her red hair streams out from her head in a wild mass, her expression is frightened and tight.
Her eyes are pleading with me.
“Dare,” she says, her voice soft. “What are you doing here?”
In my chest, my heart thumps raggedly. I stalk towards her, not stopping when I reach her body. Instead, I push her down on the bed, my hand wrapping around her throat, moving my legs until they settle between her knees. I lean down and look into her eyes, close enough to her lips to kiss her. I can feel her begin to tremble all over and God help me, I can't get enough of her fear.
“You’re my little wife now, darling girl.” My voice escapes my lips in a seductive purr. I drop my body down against hers, my hips flexing into her body. My cock stirs when it meets her inner thigh. I grab her left hand and thread my fingers through hers, bringing it down to my lips and intentionally flashing the huge diamond engagement ring I bought her. “I thought I made myself clear. You can never leave me. We’re man and wife now and it will be that way as long as we both shall live.”
Her breathing comes in shallow pants. She licks her lips and looks up at me, as if trying to decide if it's worth fighting back against me. I encourage her by flicking my hips against hers, and lowering my mouth the last few inches to her lips. This is no sweet, tender kiss.
I kiss her with an intensity that I've never felt before. Brutal, harsh, completely lacking in any sort of kindness. My hand moves up to cup her chin and I suck in a breath as I plunder her lips. She opens her mouth to protest against the invasion. But I just angle her head and snake my tongue deeper into the crevice she creates.
I'm hungry for her, starving in fact. All but suffocating with the need for Talia to submit to me and give me what I'm asking for.
All of her.
Every last inch.
When I finally break the kiss, Talia sucks in a breath and looks at me with something bordering on hatred in her eyes. “I don't want you, Dare. This marriage was a mistake.”
I run my free hand down her hip, squeezing her thigh painfully. I look in her eyes and utter, “You signed away the right to have anything to say. When I paid you, I bought the right to touch you how I want. To talk to you however I want. If I want to chain you to my goddamn bed? I will. So don't fucking test me, darling girl.”
Talia gives me a glare and tries to push me off. I lean down and utter the next sentence against her lips.
“You don't have any choice anymore. I want to see the pussy that I paid for. So spread those legs for me and smile while you take my cock.”
She gasps. I push myself up and rip at her clothing, an ugly sweatshirt and a pair of black yoga pants. She tries to cover her breasts but I step back for only a second to shed my clothing too. Her breasts areheaving as I return to her body, prying her knees apart and pressing my thick erection against her inner thigh once more.
She's going to protest. I can see it in her eyes. I smirk at her and run my hand down her collarbone, tracing a line between her breasts.
She shivers and I can see myself as she sees me in that moment. A big, powerful man who hunted her down when she ran away.
A man who isn’t interested in hearing the wordno.