Page 100 of Wed to the Devil
“Stay close to Talia,” I order him in a hushed voice. “Don't let her out of your sight. If Burn touches her or gets too close, you have my permission to tackle him.”
He nods and moves off into the crowd, taking up a post next to Talia while she talks with her aunt. I don’t know what Burn is up to this time, but I don’t want him causing trouble for Talia or anyone else tonight.
I take a deep breath and try to relax as I scan the room for any other threats that may be lurking around. But all appears to be quiet as the party continues.
I start looking at my watch. It's almost eight o'clock by now. I've been tentatively waiting for my grandfather to turn up before I start making a speech. But it's getting pretty late for early risers to wait around much longer.
The music is getting louder, and it's starting to interfere with my thoughts about what I should say during the speech. As I search for the words, a familiar voice suddenly startles me out of my reverie.
“Dare!” Daisy exclaims as she appears from out of nowhere. She wraps her arms around me and gives me an enthusiastic hug. “It's been so long since we've seen each other."
I pull away politely but firmly, trying not to appear rude. “Yes, it's been a while. I definitely didn't extend you an invitation. So what brings you here?”
Daisy bats her eyelashes coyly and then leans in close, breathing champagne-scented breath in my face. She effects a babyish voice that I remember her putting on for the first few months I knew her back in college.
“I came here to see you of course! To make sure that you are okay and to check up on you.”
She slides her hand up my arm. I'm caught off guard and take a half step back, glaring at her. She pouts, still flirting with me.
"What, are you still mad? You know, if you want to come with me, we can find a closet where I can show you how much I've missed you..." Her voice trails off expectantly as she looks up at me with the widest eyes imaginable. She leans forward, smoothing my dress shirt with her hand. "Don't you want me, Dare?"
I can feel my neck flush as I take a step back, putting some distance between us. I don't need her to get the wrong idea. Frankly, I don't want her getting any ideas about me at all. Daisy obviously notices the change in my demeanor because she gives me an exaggerated pout before continuing.
“Look, Dare, I know that our relationship ended badly but... I can still be what you need," she says softly, almost pleadingly. "I can marry you and have your babies. I can be your sweet little trophy wife, like you always dreamed." She reaches out and touches my arm gently before continuing in an even softer voice, "I still think you're sexy, even though you've put on a few pounds since I met you."
I raise both hands up defensively and take another step back away from her persistent advances.
"You're crazy," I accuse her. "I can't believe you think I would have anything to do with you. First off, I'm married. Second off, you dumped me for my fucking brother!"
My voice rises as I talk until I'm practically shouting.
Daisy folds her arms across her chest and the sexy, pouty baby act vanishes. "You're just as much of a stick in the mud as I remembered."
"That's okay, because I am off the table where you are concerned. Go slobber all over my brother."
I wave a hand and Daisy makes an angry squeak before she huffs away. I watch her receding figure as she leaves through the back exit, opening the doorway to show a quick flash of a stairwell. After a second, I shrug and turn away.
I take a deep breath as I walk back inside. I told Daisy off, but now it's time to find Talia. I notice her almost immediately, though she has her back turned to me. She's standing with Burn and he has his hand on her arm. Her head is bent in what looks like an effort to escape his grasp.
The bodyguard I assigned to stand guard over Talia is nowhere to be seen.
"Let go of her," I demand as I stride over to them. Talia whips around at the sound of my voice and relief floods across her face when she sees it's me. Burn looks like he's about ready to explode but he takes his hand away from Talia's arm slowly, grudgingly accepting my presence.
Talia steps closer to me and whispers quickly, "Dare, it's important that we talk in private.Please."
I nod curtly, putting my arm around her waist. I pull her away from the prying eyes of the party-goers and toward the exit that Daisy just took.
But Remy has other plans for me, it seems. He finally enters the party, wearing a soft khaki cardigan, navy chinos, and a pair of sandals. He's extremely underdressed, leaning on his walking stick and being flanked by two very young female assistants.
"Fuck," I mutter. I nod to Remy, drawing Talia's attention to his arrival. "Of all the times to show up."
"Dare!" my grandfather bellows. "Where is Dare?"
Talia groans.
"I'm sorry. Let me go talk to him for a few minutes. I promise that we will talk. Right after I make the announcement that we're expecting, we will slip out the back and you can tell me anything." I kiss Talia on the side of the head, moving so quickly that I make it exceptionally awkward between us.
She exhales heavily and pokes her cheek out with her tongue. I catch her hand and kiss her knuckles. She shrugs and turns away.