Page 62 of Wed to the Devil
Dare takes my hand, kissing the back of it. “You don't leave my side for a second. Got it?”
A sense of warmth slides through me. I nod and press up on my toes, seeking a kiss. He presents his lips against mine briefly and then sighs.
“Let's go see what they want, I guess.”
He leads me through the house, seeming to know his way around. He steps out of the gorgeous living room into a luxurious pool area.
The whole area is open to the elements outside and Burn stands on one side, gazing out at the sea. There is a pensive look on his face which I've seen so many times before on his twin brother. Daisy is over by the pool, her sandals kicked to the side and her toes testing the water of the pool. She looks up as we come out of the villa, smirking a little.
“Well look who it is,” she says.
Dare isn't interested in anything she has to say. He snaps his fingers at her, rushing past her and heading straight for his brother. This makes her eyes widen for a second and she hastily looks at Burn. I get the pleasure of watching her face as Dare stalks across the pool deck to where Burn is standing. I have no idea what's going on in her head exactly, but I get the feeling that she doesn't like Dare not pining after her.
Honestly, it's a little surprising even to me.
Burn turns and gives Dare a cocky little smile. Dare completely sidesteps my advice and punches his brother right in the mouth. Burn staggers back and looks at Dare with some horror, his hand over his lower jaw.
“Fuck?!” He cries. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Dare squares up, his fists in the air, his whole being ready to fight.
“Stand up. Put your fists up. Defend yourself.”
Burn squints at him. “For what?”
Dare moves forward, pelting him with a one-two punch, a right hook then an uppercut.
He goes stumbling backwards and Dare puts his fists up, a sneer twisting his lips. “That's what you get for laying your hands on my wife. Now get up off the floor so I can hit you again. Come on, you fucking coward, I dare you.”
My pulse races but I stay well clear of both men. The last thing anybody needs is for the pregnant lady to rush into the situation and get knocked down accidentally. Daisy on the other hand has no such reservations. She rushes in and tries to grab at Dare’s arm.
“Leave him alone.” Her voice sounds whiny. Dare shrugs her off and sidesteps her, not bothering to even look her way. A flash of rage washes over her features, there one second, gone the next. But I saw it.
She really doesn’t like when Dare ignores her. Maybe it’s a new phenomenon to her as well.
Burn wipes blood from his lip and looks at Dare, almost disbelieving. “What the fuck? I’m bleeding. You actually hit me.”
Dare glares at him. “And I’ll do it again. Get up. Or just come near my wife again, you fucking bastard. I’ll do more than make you bleed. I’ll wipe the floor with you and leave you in the forest where no one will ever find your body.”
“Are you seriously going to act like that over her?” He gestures towards me. “You’re a Morgan, for God’s sake. You should be with someone worthy of your status. I’m just looking out for your best interest. Doing you a favor.”
Something in Dare snaps. His face contorts and he heaves himself at Burn hitting him and grappling with him. They roll across the floor, each one landing a few blows. It’s not until they roll right off the edge of the deck onto the sand that Dare pulls himself off Burn. Daisy tries to help Dare up and Dare looks at her like she’s insane. Like she’s worth less than dirt.
“Get off me. Fucking creep,” Dare spits. He points to his feet and backs away, wiping blood from his upper lip. Daisy looks hurt and angry, especially when Burn yells her name.
“Daisy!” He barks. “What the fuck are you doing?” He scrambles to his feet and yanks her toward him, off of her feet entirely. She seems shaken and Burn does little to soothe her. He just looks back and forth between her and Dare.
“What do you need? We have to hash this thing out.”
Dare spits on the floor, glaring at his brother. “The fuck we do. Get off my property. The next time I see you down here, I’m gonna call the fucking cops. Or maybe I’ll just call one of my security guards. They are armed and they aren’t afraid.”
Burn bleats out a laugh. “You’re fucking crazy. You can’t threaten me.”
Before Burn says anything else, I step in, slicing my hand down through the air. “Get out of here. Get off our property. We are on our honeymoon, so just get lost.”
Daisy sneers. Burn wipes his lower lip and growls at us. Dare makes a move toward him but I catch his arm and hold him back. Daisy tries to wrap her arm around Burn but he shrugs her off, whirling and storming down the beach.
Daisy looks at both of us, looking like a deer caught in the bright headlights of an oncoming semi truck. I arch a brow at her. Dare bears his teeth at her, walks over to me, and herds me inside. Once we close the sliding glass door, I pull Dare to a stop, grabbing his face. I look at his bloody lip and the raised, red contusion on his cheekbone.