Page 66 of Wed to the Devil
We settle into two chairs opposite each other and I take a moment to just breathe in all the happiness that is radiating from Talia's face. She looks so beautiful here in her natural surroundings; it's like watching someone come alive after years of suffocation by society's norms and expectations.
"I'm thinking about the future," Talia answers, her expression becoming thoughtful. “Just daydreaming, really. Nothing for you to worry about, Dare.”
Talia smiles and leans into me, our hands touching as we sit in companionable silence for a few moments. It's nice to just be able to sit together without speaking—to simply enjoy each other's presence without having to say anything at all.
Suddenly she pulls away from me and looks up into my eyes with an impish grin on her face. "What are you thinking?" she asks teasingly.
I laugh softly and shake my head before answering honestly, “Just that it feels really nice being here with you."
Talia looks up at me, her face glowing with a radiant beauty that I'm finding hard to resist. Her eyes are like two deep pools of molten brown, her skin smooth and creamy like skimmed milk, and her hair is a glossy copper lion's mane that frames her delicate features perfectly. She's breathtaking, especially now that she is pregnant. I can't help but feel a swelling of pride in my chest at the thought of being the father of her baby.
I reach out and brush my thumb lightly over her cheek, the contact sending a forbidden jolt of electricity through me. The feelings pulse between us like an unspoken promise. One that is getting harder to ignore with each passing day.
We look into each other's eyes for what feels like an eternity before finally breaking away, as if remembering why it isn't wise to get too close. We're in a complicated marriage where emotion should take a back seat; I have to remind myself constantly that I'm in control.
Talia gives me a shy smile. I watch her silently from across the room, marveling at how such an angelic creature could be mine.
The atmosphere between us shifts suddenly as our gaze once more meets across the space. This time there is something different in the air. Something that neither one of us dare voice aloud.
Talia shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze sliding away from mine as I sit across the room. I can tell she's nervous.
"What happened?" I ask softly, hoping to understand why she would make such an announcement without my permission or consent.
“It’s just what Daisy said about you on the beach.” Talia takes another deep breath before explaining nervously, "She was saying all these horrible things about you. How you were too controlling, how you didn't care about my feelings. I just wanted to defend you. I wanted to tell her that what she was saying wasn't true." She pauses for a moment before adding softly, "Telling her that I was pregnant just popped out of my mouth."
I nod slowly in understanding as tears well up in Talia's eyes. I know she must be feeling scared and embarrassed by her lapse in judgment, but I'm also proud that she was willing to stand up for me. Even if it was done impulsively, I’m still blown away by her defense of me.
Reaching out my hand to hers, I give her fingers a gentle squeeze and utter the words earnestly.
"Thank you for being so brave. You don't need to apologize; you only did what any loyal wife would do."
She blushes and demurs. "I think any decent person would do the same thing."
"I don't think so, darling girl." I give her a long look. "Talia, I know I've been hard on you. I didn't expect to be married so suddenly and under these circumstances. But I want you to know that I'm trying. I'm trying to be an adequate husband.” I can’t help but look away, sliding my gaze to the horizon in the distance. It’s uncomfortable being so exposed, even with a woman that I’ve spent nearly every waking hour near.
"I understand, Dare. I really do. You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to.”
God, Talia is killing me right now. I catch her hand and kiss her palm. Then I nod, feeling my heart aching at her words. I can't believe I'm starting to depend on Talia so much, but I can't deny the feeling of connection that seems to grow every fucking day I spend with her.
I constantly question whether it's a good idea to be so deeply emotionally involved with this woman. And yet, I can't seem to help myself.
We sit in silence for a few moments, both lost in our own thoughts. Finally, I break the silence by asking hesitantly, "Talia... Why did you tell Daisy about the baby?"
She looks up at me with a guilty expression on her face, and I can almost see her thinking of all the reasons why she shouldn't have blurted out such sensitive information. Taking a deep breath, she answers slowly, "I guess it was just... the pressure of knowing that everyone would find out eventually. And what if... what if something were to happen to the baby?"
Her voice cracks as she says the last word. My heart swells with an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness. It's like something inside of me is pushing me to cocoon Talia from the world. I need to make sure no one takes advantage of her vulnerable state. With great effort, I suppress this instinct and instead reach out and lay my hand gently on hers.
"It's okay," I murmur softly. "Nothing is going to happen to him."
She blots at her eyes discreetly.
"What if it does, though? What... what will happen to our marriage then?"
I touch her knee and look deep into her eyes. "You're asking for answers that I don't have. I can't predict the future. But instead of worrying about all of the worst case scenarios, let's cross that bridge if we come to it. Can we agree on that?"
She blows out a breath and rolls her eyes at herself, shaking her head. "Of course. I just can't seem to help catastrophizing everything."
"We're quite a pair. You're busy looking back at the past, worried about how everything will turn out in the future. And I'm only able to look at the future, never dwelling on the past. I'm forever on the lookout for the next gamble that I can make that will lead to vast fortunes."