Page 70 of Wed to the Devil
One of Remy’s cronies strolls into his path and shakes his hand. Remy's friend is plump and bald, dressed in a jacket with tails and a pair of matching slacks. He throws his arm around Remy and wheezes into his face. I can smell the booze on his breath from way over here.
I can feel the tension leak away from Dare's body as he sees his grandfather turn away. It makes me wonder if Dare even realizes how Remy affects him. It's not a positive relationship, that's for sure.
"Hey." I kiss Dare on the cheek, drawing his attention away from Remy. "I'm here with you. Okay?"
His lips turn upward at the corners and something sparkles in his eyes. He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses my palm. "I know, darling girl."
But I only have his attention for a moment longer, because Tristen elbows his way through the crowd toward us. He looks as debonaire as always, his designer tux stylish, his rakish blonde locks swept carefully back. Tristen approaches with a swagger, his eyes taking in the scene.
Dare stands tall, pushing back his shoulders. "Tristen. What are you doing here?"
"Hey," Tristen greets Dare casually. "I thought I would come and see the newlyweds. It looks like your honeymoon was good." His eyes slide away to take in the room full of people, a smug smirk on his face.
"It was... eventful," Dare replies. "I don't want to get into it here."
Tristen shrugs, looking around the room again. "I'll just enjoy your grandfather's hospitality, then." His eyes finally land on me. "Talia," he intones. "You look well. I guess ten days of sex on the beach was good for you. I know Dare seemed excited by the prospect."
He turns to Dare and claps him on the shoulder before focusing on me again. His smirk is still in place as our gazes lock. I have to fight to keep my expression neutral as I remember how Tristen had helped Dare trick me into accepting his proposal of marriage only a few months ago.
My expression turns stony and I take a step back from Tristen. "You know, I was actually on my best behavior at our wedding," I remark coolly. "Considering what you did to me, I think it's amazing that I didn't make a scene."
Tristen’s smirk fades away and his eyes widen as he takes in my serious expression. He takes a step back, looking almost guilty. "I'm sorry," he mutters. "I didn't mean..."
I cut him off. "You didn't mean to lie to me? You didn't mean to trick me into saying yes? You didn't mean to scare my Aunt Minnie half to death and cause thousands of dollars of damage to her bookstore?"
Tristen blinks. "Err... I guess I did. But I didn't think you would hold a grudge."
I tense up, so mad I could spit poison at the buffoonish man. Dare touches my shoulder, trying to hold me back.
"You two can hash things out later," Dare hisses, taking another protective step closer to me. "Now isn't the time or the place."
I glare at Tristen. Tristen bobs his head curtly and takes the hint. He steps away, blushing slightly. For a moment, I feel almost sorry for him; it looks like no one has ever called him out for his behavior before. But then I remember how he tricked me into accepting Dare's marriage proposal and all sympathy disappears.
He turns and disappears into the crowd without another word. Dare watches him go with an unreadable expression. Once Tristen is gone, Dare turns back to me with a cool smile on his face.
"Let's just get through this party," he suggests. I lift a shoulder at his suggestion, my mouth pulling into a tight line.
I bite my lip, watching as Dare's grandfather Remy hobbles around the party, growling at people and spewing his hateful opinions. Every time he spouts off about something, I feel a wave of nausea wash over me. Dare is obviously very well-respected in this world that his family lives in, and yet he still seems so oblivious to how toxic Remy is.
I turn to face him, my heart pounding with anger and frustration. "Why can't you see how corrosive your grandfather is?" I say softly. "Do you not realize what kind of person he is? He's poisoning everything around him."
Dare blinks at me, taken aback by my outburst. He takes a step back and then shakes his head slightly.
"Talia," he says softly, reaching out to touch my arm lightly. "I understand why you're upset—but there's nothing I can do about it right now." He pauses for a moment, looking at the crowd of rich businessmen before continuing quietly. "This party represents their world; when we are here, we will just have to deal with it."
My mouth drops open as I stare at him incredulously. Deal with it? As if it's our burden to bear? The thought fills me with rage and indignation, but I swallow it down and take a deep breath to calm myself down.
I remember all too clearly the extensive makeover and etiquette lessons I had to endure in order to fit in here and pretend to be a part of this elite class of people. It's disgusting that I had to change in order to look like I belong standing next to Dare, and yet I wouldn't want to undo any of it. That would be like holding up a sign that screams, 'Pay Attention To My Differences'.
No thanks.
Looking away from Dare, I focus on the crowd of rich people who are laughing and having the time of their lives while all around them normal people are struggling just to make ends meet. They act like they own everything and everyone they see—and worse, it seems like no one even bats an eye when they do it! It makes me want to scream in frustration..
"How am I supposed to 'deal with it'?" I finally manage to ask through gritted teeth. Dare sighs before pulling me into his arms for a hug. He holds me tightly for a moment before speaking again, this time more sternly than before. "I know it's not easy, Talia, but we have to play their game if we want to survive in this world. I can protect you from Remy, but I can't change his beliefs or the way he acts. And as for the rest of them," he gestures towards the partygoers around us, "I can't fight every paper tiger for you. I have to focus on the battles in front of me."
His arm around my waist tightens and he pulls me closer for a second. But I resist the embrace.
Just because Dare is brainwashed doesn't mean I have to fall into line with all this elite nonsense.