Page 93 of Wed to the Devil
"No," I agree grimly. "It's not." I frown, trying to think of some way out of this mess without having to make an enemy of Remy.
Felix nods, understanding the situation. "We have to find another way," he says thoughtfully. He pauses for a moment, thinking before continuing.
"We need to start making contacts with some private banks that finance huge loans like we would need for the project. I know a few people who can put us in touch with the right people." He looks at me expectantly.
I hesitate, not sure if I'm ready to take on such a risk. "Are you sure about this? What if it all goes wrong?" I ask reluctantly.
Felix nods firmly. "I know it's a risk, but we have no other choice. We can't let Remy bully us into doing something we don't want to do. We need to take control of the situation." He pokes his bottom lip out. "But if we are going to get a loan, you'll have to be the front man for our interests. I can do all of the footwork, but you will have to sign all the documents for the loan. My cache is blown with the banks. They won't give me a cent."
My eyes narrow on Felix's face. "I don't suppose that's a story I want to hear, is it?"
He shrugs a shoulder and looks unrepentant.
"Some other time, maybe."
I grimace and shake my head. "Why did I even ask?"
Felix chuckles, but the sound is devoid of humor. We both know that he is not someone to fool around with.
He turns away like he's about to leave. Then he pauses and turns back to me.
“You and Talia are pretty lovey-dovey all of a sudden, huh? It makes you look weak. I'm not surprised that Remy is choosing your brother over you. If I were in your shoes, I would cool it on the kissy-touchy shit until my dad is dead.”
I square my shoulders and hold his gaze, refusing to be cowed. My tone is as warm as arctic ice.
"Any other thoughts, Uncle Felix? Or are you ready to scurry along and secure our venture and loan?"
He looks like he wants to say something else, but instead he just walks away.
I stand there, my mind spinning like an out of control top. Felix's sneer sticks with me and his words thunder through my skull.
"You two are pretty lovey-dovey."
As much as it pains me to admit, he may be right. I have grown used to being my grandfather's golden child. But now that Remy has sensed weakness in his potential heir, I have to consider that there could be real competition. The thought makes my gut twist uncomfortably, a reminder of what I am up against.
Is Felix right? Maybe I should pull back from Talia just a little while I still have Remy's eyes on my back.
Later that evening when I finally head to bed, I'm still thinking about it. Talia is still up, reading with her small bedside light on. I kick off my shoes and rip my shirt over my head, then wrestle off my pants.
Talia arches a brow when I lie down beside her. She folds down her page to mark her place in her book and then puts it aside.
"You're awfully quiet tonight. Is everything okay with your drilling project?"
I wince. "Yeah. It's just complicated. These things always are."
She nods and curls up against me, settling her face against my chest and drawing circles with two fingers on my ribs. Her touch is warm and relaxing. I could easily turn this moment into a night of hot sex by capturing her hand and kissing her deeply.
But I don't. I'm too keyed up for that. The words lovey-dovey are still ricocheting around in my head. I stare at the ceiling, trying to think of the best words to tell my wife that we have to tone down our affection in public.
I screw up my face. "Yeah?"
There is a moment's hesitation.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Uhh, sure." I run my tongue over my teeth.