Page 52 of Sins of the Son
Alfonso was in there.
He was loyal to a fault to Barone and his sons, but he had a soft spot for Milana and me.
Maybe we could persuade him to hold off Barone and Cesare until….
A powerful band wrapped around my middle and wrenched me backward.
Milana’s hand was ripped from mine.
“No! Milana!” I screamed as I struggled against Barone’s grip.
My hair fell over my face as I was flipped over his shoulder. I tried to push up against his back with one arm and shove the thick cascade of hair out of my face with the other so I could see what was happening, to no avail.
I could hear Milana cry out.
I called her name again, but it was cut off by the slamming of the villa door.
Barone carried me up the stairs to our bedroom.
My teeth jarred as he placed me on my feet and then stood before me, legs spread, arms crossed over his chest.
It was obvious… he was pissed.
But so was I.
I squared off in front of him, uncaring that I looked like an angry mouse shouting at a bull elephant. “Let me pass.”
My brow furrowed as I raised my voice. I knew I was courting danger, but I didn’t care. “Milana is the only family I have, and I will not let him hurt her!”
Barone’s eyes narrowed. “Wrong on multiple counts.”
I clutched at my stomach as tears coursed down my cheeks. “I can’t do this.”
Barone uncrossed his arms and took a step toward me. His voice was harsh and low as he bit out, “Exactly what can’t you do, Amara?”
I backed up a few steps, fear and nerves twisting my insides even harder. “I’m so sorry. I love you, Barone. You know I love you, but I can’t. Milana needs….”
Oh God. This wasn’t happening. Fuck, this wasn’t happening. I wasn’t about to tell Barone I couldn’t marry him. I started breathing in short, rapid gasps to try to force oxygen into my lungs. I didn’t know what to do. I loved Barone with my whole heart. The idea of not marrying him, of possibly never seeing him again, physically made my heart ache.
But Milana was my family. True family. The kind you chose. The kind who always had your back, no matter what. I could never live with myself if I abandoned her. How could I call myself a friend if I chose a man over her, if I chose my own happiness over hers? Especially after she'd tried so hard to set aside her trauma and feelings of fear and hatred toward the Cavalieris, for my sake.
And look what it had gotten her.
The startling image of her running toward me, looking disheveled and traumatized, was shocking and disturbing. And now she was with Cesare, going through who knew what, probably living through an absolute nightmare. And it was my fault. All of this was my fault. If I had just stayed away from Barone, none of this would have ever happened.
I sniffed as the tears ran over my lips. “Milana needs me. I have to get her away from here.” I swiped at my cheeks and mouth with the back of my hand before choking out, “I can’t marry you.”
Barone just stood there and stared at me.
The agonizing silence stretched, filling the room.
I stiffened my arms to try to stop my body from trembling. “Barone? Did you hear me? I can’t marry you. I’m so sorry.”
His wall of a chest expanded as he took a deep breath. Then, without saying a word, he turned and walked slowly toward the door.
I stared at his back before crying out and crumpling to the floor. Covering my face as grief more powerful than I could possibly have imagined ripped all the warmth and energy from my body with every step Barone took away from me. I knew in that moment that I would never, ever, feel whole again. It wouldn’t just feel like a part of me was missing. That was too mundane and trite of a sentiment. No. It would feel like a part of my soul had been savagely ripped from my body only to be clawed and shredded to pieces before my eyes.