Page 7 of Relentless Surrender
Taking a deep breath, Ricardo grabbed his phone. With a sinister slant to his mouth, he started to text Melissa how very sorry he was for their fight.
* * *
Later that day, not giving a damn about conventional dating wisdom and not wanting to wait to see Sage again, Conner dialed her number.
“Domino’s Pizza! Will this be a pick up or delivery?”
Laughing, Conner hung up the phone.
Game on, Sage
Three days later
“PLEASE!” begged Melissa. “Come on, Sage! Just do this tiny favor for me. You owe me!”
“Owe you! Are you serious? Are you forgetting I just broke into an apartment for you a few days ago?” asked an incredulous Sage.
She was standing before Melissa wrapped only in a towel having just emerged from a long, hot shower. Her plans for the evening included yoga pants, a glass of wine and whatever new BBC miniseries was available. They did not however include getting dressed up and heading out to a fundraiser in Melissa’s place.
Melissa had shown up at Sage’s apartment a few minutes ago with gifts aka bribes. A bottle of wine, a box of chocolate croissants and a teddy bear Sage was pretty sure came from Ricardo’s place.
Opening the box of pastries, Melissa let the buttery sweet scent fill the bedroom, “Are you sure?” she asked in a sing-song voice. “Not even for an entire box of Marciel’s dark chocolate croissants?”
“You are pure evil,” snapped Sage as she snatched a still warm pastry from the white box. “One of these days I’m going to get you fired just so you can’t bribe me with these anymore.” “
Melissa laughed at the empty threat. She was a valued manager at the Georgetown French Market. It didn’t pay much but she loved her crew and really enjoyed interacting with the public.
“Why can’t you go anyway?” asked Sage as she licked a pastry flake off her fingertip.
“Someone called out. I have to take the evening shift,” answered Melissa breezily. “Listen, it’s no big deal. It’s a fundraiser for something or other at The Willard. My date was one of my father’s interns.”
“So boring as fuck,” groaned Sage.
“If I back out now, I will catch hell from daddy and with the week I’ve had I’m just not in the mood.”
“Won’t this intern be disappointed when instead of a senator’s daughter he gets her considerably shorter, much less influential best friend?”
Melissa waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Trust me. He will barely notice you are a girl. He will be too busy trying to schmooze and give out his business card.”
“Why on earth would I agree to do this?”
“Because you are my friend and you love me and there might be an important person or two there who would be willing to help fund the foundation,” offered Melissa.
“You are pure evil,” repeated Sage. Melissa knew she wouldn’t give up an opportunity to help the Art & Music Fund where she worked.
Melissa jumped up and gave Sage a big hug. “Thank you! You are the best! Sunday brunch is on me.”
“You bet it is,” grumbled Sage as she headed to her closet to choose a dress to wear.
* * *
It was close to midnight when Conner found himself driving along 14th Street after leaving the Pentagon. As a Captain in the HMLA-167 Marine Warrior Squadron he was in charge of seeing his crew through a massive new training program attached to a helicopter upgrade. The briefing on the new equipment specs took all day and broke into his leave but he didn’t care. It took his mind off Sage. He can never recall being this wrapped up in a woman. Not even his ex-wife had him this enthralled. There was just an energy about Sage that drew him in, despite their short acquaintance. Made him want more.
It annoyed the hell out of him that three days had passed with no sign of her. That asshole, Ricardo, was no help. The chick was the best friend of his former girlfriend and the piece of shit couldn’t even tell him her last name or what she did for a living. Conner was certain he was holding out on him but short of beating the information out of the guy there was nothing he could do. Although the more Conner interacted with Ricardo the more he itched to plant a fist in his face. There was just something not right about him.
He tried looking for her real phone number but no one was actually listed nowadays. She preoccupied his thoughts. He wouldn’t call it an obsession but if he didn’t lay eyes, and more importantly hands, on her soon, it could become one. Conner couldn’t help it. He was a Marine. Single minded purpose was in his blood.