Page 111 of Giovanna
“Thank goodness the stroke hasn’t robbed you of your sunny disposition,” I remark wryly.
He hacks out a laugh at that. “You know me, box of fuckin’ birds. Now, do we still have unhappy capos?”
We look at each other. We may have been scrapping a few minutes earlier, but in the face of our father’s disappointment and disapproval, we find solidarity.
“We took out Stefan tonight, Dad. He kidnapped Francesca...” I speak slowly and in a low voice.
Dad’s face registers shock, before he simply asks, “You clean up properly?”
I nod. “Clean up in progress. Dealing with the Rossis will be the most complicated thing.”
Dad gives us a little taste of approval before drawing his brows into a frown and making his voice gruff. “Elio, pull your finger outta your arse and show the Rossis what they need to see to feel safe. For God’s sake keep your dick in your pants unless you’re wooing Rossi’s girl.”
His attention shifts to me. “And you, Giovanna. Stop being a pussy and pull your brother into line. You’ve gotta get tougher.”
Neither of us is impressed with how quickly Dad has slipped into barking orders. Though it does reassure us that he’s going to be okay.
Chapter Fifty
I’m wrestling a huge dish of lasagne from the oven when my brand-new iPhone starts ringing on the other side of the kitchen. My old phone is probably floating in Sydney Harbour with my big brother, so Massimo picked me up a new one while I napped today.
Letting the dish clatter onto the top of the stove, I slam the oven door shut and answer the call in a fluster.
“Francesca,” Giovanna’s tired voice rasps on the other end.
“Oh! Uh hi,” I stammer.
“You okay? Sounds like you’re in the middle of something?”
“I’m fine. I was just getting lasagne out of the oven. How are you doing?”
She sighs and there is a slight pause before she answers. “Are you staying at your parents tonight?”
I’m not. I brought my stuff home when I got back from the hospital.Home.I guess the Marino house is home.
“Why’s that?” I ask softly, hoping she wants me to be here, in her home.
Again there is a pause. I hear traffic. She must be in her car. “Giovanna?”
“Come home, yeah?” She finally answers.
“Your house, you mean?” I cringe at the hope I hear in my voice. Always the pining puppy.
“Yeah,” her answer is quiet, but she drops her voice even lower to say, “I need you.”
My heart flutters and I smile into the phone.She needs me!And it doesn’t sound like she needs to see me about family business. At least that isn’t what I hear in her voice.
“I’m here already, Gio. I’ve made you guys some dinner. Sorry, it is full of carbs and cheese, but I thought comfort food was appropriate. I made you salad to go with it though,” I ramble hoping she will eat my calorie-laden dinner.
“Sounds perfect,” there is a slight smile in her voice now; she sounds lighter. “You’re an angel.”
Just then Massimo saunters into the kitchen in grey sweatpants and a hoodie. He’s singing quietly to himself with AirPods in his ears. “Fuck yes! Lasagne!” He shouts, eyeing up the deep dish sitting on the stove, sauce crusted down the sides.
Giovanna snorts. “I better get home before Massi eats it all. See you soon, darlin’.”
“Bye,” I reply, hanging up before I call her ‘baby’.